Softbank G postpones investment in Indonesian capital relocation plan | Reuters

It was revealed on the 11th that SoftBank Group has forgotten to invest in Indonesia’s capital relocation project. A spokeswoman for the company said. The photo shows President Son meeting with Indonesian President Joko in Jakarta in July 2019. (2022 / Provided photo)

[Tokyo, 11th]–It was revealed on the 11th that SoftBank Group has forgotten to invest in Indonesia’s capital relocation project.

A spokeswoman for the company said. “We have forgotten to invest in this project, but we are continuing to invest in Indonesia through the investment destinations of the Vision Fund.”

Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister Luhut Panjaitan said in January 2020 that the company had recommended an investment of up to $ 40 billion in the capital relocation plan. At that time, the company said it did not provide a specific investment amount.

No comment was received from Mr. Luhut’s spokeswoman. Bloomberg said in an interview yesterday that he said, “I’m not talking about Mr. Son anymore. He’s off.”

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