Storage of CO2: Ban could be lifted in 2025

The ban on the geological storage of carbon dioxide could be lifted next year. In its current evaluation report, which was sent to parliament, the federal government recommends allowing storage. Austria has geological storage options. Specifically, this involves the geological storage of CO2 from difficult or unavoidable process-related emissions under strict safety and environmental requirements.

For example, the cement industry produces a lot of carbon dioxide. Under the strict conditions, capture and geological storage could make an important strategic contribution to achieving climate neutrality, it is said. The storage options are seen in extracted hydrocarbon deposits and potentially also in saline aquifers. The latter are deep geological reservoirs with high porosity that contain undrinkable, highly saline water, i.e. brine.

Taking into account the time required to draft and agree a bill on this complex matter, the regulations on storage could be adopted by mid-2025, the government said.



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