Street Fighter 6 has been rated – Hong Kong Sina

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文章: Jonas Maki –

Age rating organizations tend to be great sources of unpublished video game news in general, and often leak upcoming games and favorites, along with info on what to expect.

But the actual age rating itself can tell us something, even if we already know the game beforehand and don’t reveal anything new. This is because age ratings usually indicate that a game is very close to the development finish line. Now, that has happened with Street Fighter 6. We know a lot about the game, but it has no release date other than Capcom claiming it will arrive in 2023.

Thanks sharp-eyedResetEra users, we now know that Street Fighter 6 has age ratings in Korea.While it’s certainly interesting, it’s from Korea’s 15 years, but it also shows Game Awards The release date for Period is likely to be December 9th, and the release date may be earlier than expected.

This article and pictures are authorized by Gamereactor, the original textposted here

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