Strépy drama: Paolo Falzone reiterates his request for the electronic bracelet

Imprisoned for almost a year to the day following the Strépy tragedy which took place on March 20, 2022, Paolo Falzone once once more asked to be able to benefit from an electronic bracelet. His lawyer thus pleaded his case before the indictment chamber, arguing that the detention would take place in a place far from the Center region where the tragedy took place.

On March 20, 2022, in circumstances that have yet to be clarified, Paolo Falzone had run into a group made up of gilles, musicians and their followers when they had just left the premises of the sports hall. It was in the nearby rue des Canadiens that the accident had occurred.

Charged with murder for one of the victims, Paolo Falzone is also being prosecuted for manslaughter for five other victims.

According to our information, there is little chance that the indictment chamber will accept the request for bracelet placement, the public prosecutor having opposed it, insisting in particular on the fact that there was no guarantee that the accused does not drive once more.

In the coming weeks, a reconstitution of the facts should take place, which should also slow down the request for detention under an electronic bracelet.

The decision should fall during the day on Thursday.



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