Stretch marks • Remove & how to prevent?

Stretch marks not only appear during pregnancy, but also, for example, when you put on a lot of weight. How to prevent unwanted tissue tears and which treatment methods can be used to remove stretch marks.

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Stretch marks (striae cutis distensae) form due to overstretching of the skin and are initially blue-reddish in color. Over the years, the skin changes become lighter and lighter and look like fine, elongated ones scar out. The chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, upper arm or thigh are often affected. If they occur during pregnancy, they are referred to as stretch marks (striae gravidarum).

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What are stretch marks?

Excessive stretching of the dermis (middle layer of the skin) causes tears in the collagen fibers, the skin becomes less elastic and thins out. The connective tissue in the subcutis is heavily supplied with blood and shimmers through due to the fiber tears – recognizable as blue-reddish stretch marks. Repair mechanisms in the skin cause them to fade over time, but the cracks remain visible.

Depending on the cause, the lines are called differently:

  • Pregnancy: Striae gravidarum

  • Wachstum: Stria among adolescents

  • Fast weight gain: streaks of obesity

  • Infections: Striae infectiosae

From a health point of view, the skin changes are not a problem, rather they are perceived as cosmetically disturbing by those affected. Anyone who suffers severely from stretch marks and feels restricted in everyday life as a result can try to have them removed.

Remove stretch marks

Once stretch marks have formed, they usually do not go away. Strongly pronounced stripes can be made less visible in the dermatological practice with various treatment methods – they cannot usually be removed completely:

  • Vitamin A acid (tretinoin): The strong acid accelerates cell division and stimulates the formation of collagen. That is why the prescription active ingredient is also used in the Acnetherapy used. Vitamin A acid should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • trichloroacetic acid: A chemical peel with trichloroacetic acid penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate collagen formation. This treatment will also cornea and warts applied.

  • Cryotherapy: In the dermatologist’s practice, the tissue is destroyed with liquid nitrogen and then regenerated by the body.

  • Mesotherapy: With very fine needles, the doctor injects active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid into the skin to strengthen elasticity from within.

  • Microneedling: Here, the skin is treated with a roller fitted with tiny needles. These micro-injuries activate skin regeneration and stimulate collagen formation.

  • Fraxel-Laser: The doctor treats the stretch marks selectively with laser light. The heat from the laser causes the smallest injuries in the skin, which in turn stimulates the regeneration and production of collagen.

  • Local Dynamic Micromassage (LDM): Ultrasound waves with different and rapidly changing frequencies stimulate the formation of new connective tissue in the tissue.

The treating specialists and patients decide together which of the treatments is the most suitable for the individual. Since stretch marks are a purely cosmetic problem, health insurance companies usually do not cover the costs.

Home remedies for stretch marks?

The regular use of creams, massages and contrast showers can usually only slightly weaken the cracks. Creams are an option Vitamin Awhich is also used to treat scars, as well as Vitamin E, which stimulates skin regeneration. You can also try using some self-tanner to even out the color difference – it may make the stretch marks less noticeable.

Causes of stretch marks

Although many people think of pregnant women when they think of stretch marks, they can affect anyone. Because even people who have gained weight quickly and heavily can develop tissue tears in the appropriate places – this affects both men and women. Every additional kilo of weight puts strain on the skin and the risk of overstretching increases.

In the puberty Many young people experience growth spurts. If these are particularly strong, the skin can tear, especially on the thighs and back. Anyone who builds up a lot of muscle quickly is also familiar with stretch marks. These are mostly bodybuilders and people who lift heavy weights. Long-term use of glucocorticoids can also promote skin changes.

Risk Factors For Stretch Marks:

How do stretch marks form?

Not every pregnant woman gets stretch marks during pregnancy. Presumably, this is related to the formation of collagen in the body, i.e. how much or little it produces. In addition, collagen formation decreases during pregnancy.

The highest risk factor for stretch marks is excessive weight gain. According to the Professional Association of Gynecologists (BVF), an average increase of ten to 15 kilograms is normal. In order to be able to determine the individual value, the Body-Mass-Index (BMI) before pregnancy:

  • Underweight (BMI less than 18.5): weight gain 12.5-18 kg

  • Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9): weight gain 11.5-16 kg

  • overweight (BMI 25-29.9): Weight gain 7-11.5 kg

  • Obesity (BMI over 30): Weight gain 5-9 kg

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Diagnosis of stretch marks

Usually, the skin changes do not cause pain or other symptoms. Anyone who suffers severely from stretch marks should visit a dermatologist’s office and find out about treatment options. There, the stripes can be determined by visual diagnosis: Blue-reddish to purple-reddish or white skin stripes appear on the chest, abdomen, thighs or buttocks. They can be slightly raised, especially at the beginning.

Massages and Oil: Can You Avoid Stretch Marks?

Pregnant women can best prevent stretch marks by not gaining excessive weight. This allows the skin to adapt more slowly to the growing abdominal circumference and reduces the risk of tissue tears. Appropriate skin care and massages can also prevent it. It is important to do this regularly to prevent stretch marks as much as possible.

Prevention tips:

  • Skin care with special creams. Matching ingredients are shea butter, vitamins A and E, almond oil, jojoba oil, argan oil and evening primrose oil. They keep the skin elastic and care for it.

  • Massage of the affected skin areas. Oils such as almond oil, argan oil, grape seed oil or jojoba oil are suitable for massaging – there are also special pregnancy oils for the baby bump. A plucking massage is particularly effective: The skin is gently plucked away from the body with the thumb and forefinger. Shortly before the due date, pregnant women should no longer do a plucking massage, so as not to do it too early contractions trigger.

  • Cold downpours after showering. To do this, gently move the shower head in circular movements over the areas of the skin that are prone to stretch marks. Contrast showers promote blood circulation in the skin and improve its elasticity. A massage glove can support this effect.

  • Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. For skin health, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables should end up on the plate and plenty of fluids should be consumed. In addition, skin and connective tissue can be strengthened from within through light training. This also applies to pregnant women, which is why sports during pregnancy recommended – as long as there are no health reasons against it.

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