Study: Morning coffee extends life

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Don’t hesitate for a moment to have your morning cup of coffee, not only to wake up and get away from the grogginess, but also to ward off the health risk of your death.

This is what a new study from the Chinese Southern Medical University recommends, which reported that people who drink moderate amounts of coffee, sweetened or unsweetened, have a lower death rate from various diseases, in reference to them coffee benefits health.

The study found that people who drink coffee Those who drank unsweetened coffee had a 16 to 21 percent lower risk of death, while those who drank sweetened coffee had a 29 to 31 percent lower risk of death, compared to those who didn’t drink coffee at all.

The researchers point out that the results of the study do not mean that a person can rely on drinking coffee only to get a long life free of diseases, but rather it is one of the many factors that help in achieving this.

How many cups of coffee do we need per day?

Known as the most popular drink around the world, people around the world consume about two billion cups daily.

As soon as we think of coffee, most of us think of caffeine, which has a number of significant health benefits aside from its ability to make us feel more alert, according to a nutrition consultant and health director. "City Detatians" Sophie Medellin.

Explanation: "In women in particular, average coffee intake has been shown to reduce the risk of death from major causes such as heart disease".

She added that "Coffee has a positive effect on brain health, as several studies have linked coffee to a reduced risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease".

Medellin noted that "The maximum recommended daily dose of caffeine is about 300-400 mg, the average cup of coffee contains between 80-100 mg of caffeine, which means that about 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day is a maximum within the safe limit"according to the newspaper "Daily Express" British.

But she warned: "You can also have caffeine from other sources you may not be familiar with, such as chocolate and sugar-sweetened beverages. In general, taking more than 600 mg has been linked to negative health effects such as high blood pressure, insomnia and irritability.

Medellin said: "If you feel like you are drinking a lot of coffee, you may have experienced symptoms such as headache, irritability, chest pain and difficulty sleeping".

And if you want to cut back on coffee, it’s best to do it slowly and in stages. You can choose decaffeinated coffee more often, replace coffee with another low-caffeine drink, or avoid drinking coffee late in the day.

Hot brewed coffee is higher in antioxidants than cold coffee, Medellin says, and it has less caffeine on average. Minimal caffeine."

Diseases that coffee fights

A new study has identified specific proteins that the caffeine in coffee interacts with, which help the liver remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease.

Low levels of this protein enhance the liver’s ability to break down LDL cholesterol, the type "harmful" Which can block the arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease.

The senior author of the study, whose results were published in the journal "Nature Communications" Richard Austin, suggests that the primary mechanism by which caffeine and its derivatives can reduce the levels of PCSK9 in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."The researchers warned that mixing coffee with sugar or cream would cancel out any benefits of caffeine, noting also the danger of consuming energy drinks that also contain this compound.


Don’t hesitate for a moment to have your morning cup of coffee, not only to wake up and get away from the grogginess, but also to ward off the health risk of your death.

This is what a new study from the Chinese Southern Medical University recommends, which reported that people who drink moderate amounts of coffee, sweetened or unsweetened, have a lower death rate from various diseases, in reference to them coffee benefits health.

The study found that people who drink coffee Those who drank unsweetened coffee had a 16 to 21 percent lower risk of death, while those who drank sweetened coffee had a 29 to 31 percent lower risk of death, compared to those who didn’t drink coffee at all.

The researchers point out that the results of the study do not mean that a person can rely on drinking coffee only to get a long life free of diseases, but rather it is one of the many factors that help in achieving this.

How many cups of coffee do we need per day?

Known as the most popular drink around the world, people around the world consume about two billion cups daily.

Once we think of coffee, most of us think of caffeine, which has a number of significant health benefits aside from its ability to make us feel more alert, according to nutrition consultant and City Deficiencies director Sophie Medellin.

“In women in particular, average coffee intake has been shown to reduce the risk of death from major causes such as heart disease,” she said.

She added that “coffee has a positive effect on brain health, as several studies have linked coffee to a reduced risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.”

Medellin pointed out that “the maximum recommended daily dose of caffeine is about 300-400 mg, the average cup of coffee contains between 80-100 mg of caffeine, and this means that about 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day is a maximum within The safe limit,” according to the British newspaper, “Daily Express.”

But she cautioned: “You can also take caffeine from other sources you may not be familiar with, such as chocolate and sugar-sweetened beverages. In general, intakes above 600 mg have been linked to negative health effects such as high blood pressure, insomnia and irritability.

“If you feel like you’re drinking a lot of coffee, you may have experienced symptoms such as headaches, irritability, chest pain and difficulty sleeping,” Medellin said.

And if you want to cut back on coffee, it’s best to do it slowly and in stages. You can choose decaffeinated coffee more often, replace coffee with another low-caffeine drink, or avoid drinking coffee late in the day.

Hot brewed coffee is higher in antioxidants than cold coffee, Medellin says, and it has less caffeine on average. Low caffeine.”

Diseases that coffee fights

A new study has identified specific proteins that the caffeine in coffee interacts with, which help the liver remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease.

Low levels of this protein boost the liver’s ability to break down LDL cholesterol, the “bad” type that can clog arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease.

The senior author of the study, the results of which were published in the journal Nature Communications, Richard Austin, indicated that the basic mechanism by which caffeine and its derivatives can reduce the levels of PCSK9 in the blood, and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, where researchers warned that mixing coffee with coffee With sugar or cream, which would cancel out any benefits of caffeine, noting also the danger of consuming energy drinks that also contain this compound.

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