Sweet sitting and movies he watched on “weekend” with the family.. know their benefits for mental health

He suffers from a lot of work pressure throughout the week, and leads to an increase in their feeling of nervous and psychological pressure, which may reach depression, and to take advantage of the weekend for self-entertainment, mental health consultant Salma Abu Al-Yazid confirmed in her speech to “The Seventh Day” that the weekend can be used To get rid of the negative effects gained throughout the week, she also indicated that there are many actions that any individual can do to get rid of this negative energy, and at the same time strengthen his relationship with his family members and create new and beautiful memories with them.

The effect of watching movies with the family on vacation:

The mental health consultant added that he prefers watching movies or simple programs with which some family members lived some beautiful memories, which helps to restore the most beautiful memories that draw a smile on the lips, and this also increases family bonding when sitting with children. .

Benefits of nostalgia:

Nostalgia is a mostly positive emotion that people easily realize and makes them feel happy and peaceful, for example, when browsing photos that bring them together with their friends and family members, according to the mental health consultant, who added that one of the most movies that can be watched with the family and free of sexual words and overtones That may annoy the head of the family and can be seen with the children are:

Ismail Yassin film collection

The able artist Ismail Yassin presented many comedic films, including a large group of his namesake, such as Ismail Yassin in the fleet, in the hospital for the insane, in aviation, in the zoo and in the wax museum, in addition to more songs and other films.

Fouad Al Mohandes Films Collection

Fouad Al-Mohandes was nicknamed “The Professor” due to his distinguished, light, non-vulgar comedy films. Al-Mohandes’s work was not limited to films and songs only, but he presented series, Ramadan Fawazir and plays, especially the play Hala Habibi, which can be watched with the family on the weekends..

Shukoku Movies Collection

brilliance artist Mahmoud Shukoko In many films and monologues, in which he discusses a range of social issues in a comic and distinctive way, such as the movie Antar and Lelb, in addition to that he presented simple comic songs.

Ismail Yassin

Ismail Yassin movies
Ismail Yassin movies

Professor Fouad Al Mohandes
Professor Fouad Al Mohandes

Antar Welbul
Antar Welbul

A scene from the movie Antar Welboul
A scene from the movie Antar Welboul

halo my love
halo my love

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