Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Inhalation & Emergency

Various diseases can be hidden behind the word asthma. However, the airways are always affected. Some sufferers have to nibble on it their entire lives. We want to put asthma to the test and explain the background of the disease.

What is asthma?

Die Pharmacy magazine defines asthma as “an umbrella term for various forms of chronic, inflammatory diseases of the airways”. A distinction is made between different types. There is allergic asthma, for example, which, like hay fever and neurodermatitis, is one of the atopic diseases. This means that the immune system overreacts to certain external stimuli – triggers can be pollen, animal hair or house dust mites.

While allergic asthma often begins in childhood, intrinsic forms of asthma usually do not appear until the age of 30 or 40. These are also known as endogenous or non-allergic asthma.

Asthma: what are the symptoms?

Here references the Pharmacy magazine to the German equivalent of the Greek word asthma: wheezing. This is already an important indication of the respiratory problems. The following symptoms appear there and on the portal listed:

  • shortness of breath (paroxysmal and often at night)
  • tightness in the chest
  • Pain when inhaling cold air
  • shortness of breath on exertion
  • noisy breathing (wheezes, whistles, hums)
  • Cough and/or urge to cough
  • tachycardia (in acute attack)
  • bluish discoloration of the lips and skin (in the case of severe shortness of breath)

There are therefore major differences in terms of severity and severity. However, the symptoms would subside completely or at least partially – with or without taking medication – and then reappear after some time.

Children only show two symptoms: coughing and a slight wheezing or rumbling when breathing.

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Asthma: What are the causes?

As already shown, asthma can already break out in childhood, but also only after several decades. How reported, cases are more common in some families, so some familial risk can be assumed. Risk factors are also there and at Pharmacy magazine called:

  • other allergic reactions in the family or in the child itself (hay fever, neurodermatitis, cradle cap)
  • below average birth weight
  • Obesity and physical inactivity in childhood
  • frequent respiratory infections
  • Allergen contact (e.g. to pets in the case of an animal hair allergy)
  • Smoking (also in the case of parents or fellow human beings)

Basically, it is noticeable that boys are more often afflicted with asthma than girls.

In Germany, four percent of children and six percent of adults are affected. It is the most common chronic disease in children.

Asthma: how is it treated?

For asthma patients is noisy The aim is to “keep the frequency and severity of symptoms as low as possible”. In this way, everyday life can be designed as normally as possible. It is positive that drug treatment has few side effects. The drugs are divided into two groups: fast-acting reliever drugs and slow-acting long-term drugs (controllers).

The former are used for mild asthma. And only if symptoms are felt. In the case of severe asthma, long-term medication is used to calm the constantly inflamed airways. Daily use is common here. Adequate protection can only be built up if the medication is used consistently.

Avoiding contact with the asthma triggers can be difficult – for example, when it comes to animals, house dust or cold air. In most cases, however, the correct use of the medication ensures that those affected have to worry less about the triggers.

As a supplement, sport, exercise and certain breathing techniques are recommended. Vaccination against influenza and pneumococci can also be useful.

The German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) also gives the tip that one should “cough in a controlled manner after getting up in the morning”. Breathe in deeply and then “breath out with a slight clearing of your throat”. Care should be taken not to cough suddenly or too forcefully. Finally, “the rest of the breath is coughed up lightly several times”. In this way, a persistent urge to cough can be prevented, which can result in acute spasms in the bronchi.

Proper and conscious breathing is important. In addition, attention should be paid to “the correct posture during special breathing exercises”. The following applies: “Breathing techniques and breathing positions are very important supportive measures that can be used very easily in the event of shortness of breath.”

Relaxation is also mentioned as an important treatment method. So it can help “to lie down comfortably on the sofa for half an hour after work and switch off to calm relaxing music”. Likewise, loud are suitable BLADE Walks or sports activities such as cycling, walking, jogging or visits to the sauna.

Asthma: what to look out for when inhaling?

Inhalation must also be carried out carefully. The informs about it BLADEwhich lists these points:

  • observe upright posture
  • Prepare the inhalation device (e.g. remove the cap or shake it)
  • before Inhalation exhale deeply
  • Cover the mouthpiece with your lips
  • Hold your breath for five to ten seconds
  • then take the mouthpiece out of your mouth
  • Exhale slowly through your nose
  • if necessary: ​​more inhalations at intervals of one minute

The form of inhalation depends on the type of device; here, metered dose aerosols with slow and deep inhalation and dry powder inhalers with rapid and forceful inhalation are given as examples.

A distinction is also made between:

  • Dosieraerosol without spacer (slow deep breath, then hold your breath)
  • Dosieraerosol with spacer (slow depth inhalation over several puffs, then hold your breath)
  • Dry powder inhaler (rapid depth inhalationthen hold your breath)
  • Nebulizer (slow depth inhalationslow full exhalation)

Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth, dpa

Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth, dpa

Friend and helper for asthmatics: sufferers should always carry inhalers with them.

Asthma: when is it considered controlled?

Sea Pharmacy magazine asthma is considered controlled when:

  • die symptoms not occur during the day or at most twice a week
  • inhalations with the on-demand spray are therefore required less than twice a week
  • no nocturnal symptoms consist
  • activities through that Asthma not be influenced

If one or two of these four criteria are not met, it is referred to as partially controlled asthma.

Asthma: How to respond in an emergency?

In asthma emergencies, the Pharmacy magazine according to these golden rules:

  • keep Calm
  • Inhale emergency medication promptly as directed by the doctor
  • Breathing through certain postures and breathing techniques facilitate
  • If there is still no improvement after ten minutes: Inhale the emergency medication again and – if prescribed by the doctor – take a corticosteroid tablet

The emergency doctor should be called in these cases:

  • Patient turns blue
  • Patient can hardly speak
  • Pulse is more than 110 beats per minute in the case of an adult
  • complaints do not get better after 15 minutes despite self-treatment

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