Symptoms of mental, physical and mental illnesses.. If you feel them, refer to a doctor

There are many mental illnesses to include a wide range of disorders that affect the behavior and thinking of the sufferer. Many people experience problems related to health mental from time to time.

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, the number of people with mental health problems reaches one billion people around the world, and while the degree of mental illness varies, the symptoms also vary in the degree of their appearance from one person to another, and to ensure your mental health, we present to you the symptoms of mental illness.

Physical signs of mental illness

not restricted Symptoms On what appears in the psychological and mental aspect of the patient, such as sadness and introversion, but physical signs of mental illness may appear.

According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic physical pain may indicate that you have psychological problems, and these signs include:

  • stomach pain
  • Changes in sexual drives
  • Extreme tiredness, low energy or sleep problems
  • Chronic headache
  • Constant back pain for no reason

psychological symptoms

And about the symptoms Mental Which appears on the patient, the multiplicity of the organization in

  • Introversion and distance from friends and daily activities
  • Extreme anger or hostility towards normal situations
  • Disorganized thinking and poor ability to focus
  • Seeing delusions or hallucinations
  • Significant changes in eating habits
  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Intense fears, anxiety, or excessive guilt
  • Sharp changes in mood, high and low
  • Difficulty comprehending and problems understanding and dealing with situations and people
  • suicidal ideation
The most prominent symptoms of mental illness are depression and introversion - today

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