“Antauro Humala’s Release and Controversial Statements: The Andahuaylazo Situation”

2023-05-07 21:55:00 Antauro Humala was sentenced to 19 years in prison for the ‘andahuaylazo’. The ethnocacerista leader was sentenced in 2009 for the crimes of simple homicide, kidnapping, aggravated damage, theft or seizure of a firearm, and rebellion. However, on July 8, 2022, Humala requested his release for redemption of the sentence for work and … Read more

Antauro Humala assaults journalist during radio interview in Puno | ethnocacerist | cop killer | andahuaylazo | POLICY

The one convicted of murder, Antauro Careswas aggressive against the journalist David Mamani from radio Exitosa in A lots of. The ex-prisoner shouted in the booth of said medium and his companion snatched a cell phone from the press man, who was recording the incident. The incident occurred this morning. The ethnocacerist had been invited … Read more

Antauro Humala on Pedro Castillo: Don’t compare him to Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Ollanta Humala, Alberto Fujimori and Alan Garcia | Peter Castle

Comparison. Antauro Humala Tasso, ethnocacerist leader who was released from prison last August 20ratified that his release from the Ancón II prison was for having served the sentence imposed by the Judiciary due to the death of four police officers and two reservists in the Andahuaylazo and not by a pardon granted by the President … Read more

Antauro Humala LIVE: latest news after the release of the ex-soldier, who he is, age, reactions and everything you need to know about the INPE ATMP resolution | Politics

Ethnocacerist insurrectionary model as a propaganda device, according to Nugent In his text “Andahuaylas: the limit of political translation”, the sociologist and psychotherapist Guillermo Nugent considered the ethnocacerist attack as a “propaganda device to have a greater participation in the voting intentions of the citizens”. By then it was 2005 and the following year were … Read more