“The World Health Organization Recommends Avoiding Artificial Sweeteners for Weight Management and Health – Find Natural Alternatives Here”

2023-05-15 19:48:00 The World Health Organization has recommended that artificial sweeteners (sugar substitutes) not be used to control weight or reduce non-communicable diseases. A guideline issued by the organization stated that the use of artificial sweeteners does not help reduce body fat, and their long-term use may have harms, such as an increased risk of … Read more

Beware of it… Reasons why the smart watch is your enemy

Smart watches are promoted for their features in tracking health indicators, and their role in promoting physical fitness by providing features that help track various motor activities, and others, but what is the effect of using smart watches on mental health? Although owning a smartwatch seems like an ideal way to improve health by tracking … Read more

Beware of consuming it.. Common drinks preferred by many may double the risk of bowel cancer

Al Marsad Newspaper: Research published in the journal Gut confirms a link between sugar-sweetened beverages and deadly disease. The study indicated that the consumption of adults, especially women, two or more drinks to quench their thirst every day “double” the risk of developing bowel cancer before the age of fifty. The study pointed out that … Read more

Shabu is a deadly substance.. What are the physical and psychological symptoms of its addiction?

The Erada and Mental Health Complex in Riyadh confirmed that Shabu material The drug is fatal, affects the central nervous system, and is considered a very dangerous narcotic substance in general, and leads to rapid addiction from the first dose, and dysfunction of the body. The academy indicated that what the promoters are trying to … Read more

Beware… Coffee doubles the risk of death for those suffering from this common disease • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: A team of scientists from the Japanese University of Osaka discovered that drinking coffee doubles the risk of death for people with a sharp increase in the level of blood pressure. The Journal of the American Heart Association notes that previous studies have shown that drinking a cup of coffee daily increases the … Read more

“You fall into it daily.” Beware, this behavior exposes you to a fine of 1,000 riyals immediately! • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Information has been revealed about the punishment imposed on people who throw garbage from car windows, and the violations are referred to the competent court, and the Public Prosecution investigates and prosecutes. According to “Okaz”, the committees reviewing violations are responsible for imposing penalties that do not exceed a fine of 10 million … Read more

Infect you with serious diseases.. Beware of eating potatoes if this sign appears on them! • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The head of the Food Safety Committee in Egypt, Dr. Sherine Zaki, warned against eating potatoes that contain green spots. She explained that the green color is chlorophyll, which the plant uses to perform photosynthesis in order to make its own food, and it is a substance that has no harm to health, … Read more

Global health warns of the emergence of a new, disturbing variant that could cause many deaths

The Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confirmed that the gaps in the strategies to tackle Covid-19 this year continue to create ideal conditions for the emergence of a new variant, as parts of China are witnessing a rise in the number of cases of the virus. The WHO director’s comments mark … Read more