The First Known Case of Human Infection by Ophidascaris Robertsi: A Detailed Study

2023-10-06 05:45:34 As reported by the team of Sanjaya Senanayake, from the Australian National University in Canberra, this is the first known case of infection of humans by this roundworm typical of snakes. But if we look closer, Ophidascaris robertsi is not strictly reserved for snakes. What the doctors found in their patient’s head was … Read more

Abused childhood: neurons do not forget

2023-09-13 05:54:15 Abuse, loss of a parent, extreme forms of adversity resulting from poverty or racism… Children confronted with painful experiences very early on often retain a form of fragility: research shows in particular that these ordeals make them more vulnerable to depression and anxiety disorders in adulthood. But what is the nature of this … Read more

Comprehensive Mental Health Website: Prevent, Detect, and Treat Common Disorders

2023-08-23 02:01:23 Stress, depression, ADHD, phobia, bipolarity, dyslexia, dementia, autism, trauma, anorexia, Alzheimer’s… Today, we know almost all of these terms. We regularly hear about it and many people in the media do not hesitate to announce that they have suffered from “suicidal thoughts” and that they had to be hospitalized to get out of … Read more

Linking Hormonal Contraception to Postpartum Depression: Identifying Women at Risk

2023-08-04 05:34:09 Premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, menopausal disorders: during these periods when female hormones “go yo-yo”, the risk of suffering from depression or mood disorders increases, and it is not without danger , especially for a mother and her baby. But it all depends on how each woman reacts to these hormonal fluctuations, what is … Read more

Learning Rejuvenates the Brain at Any Age: Discover the Benefits of Learning New Skills Later in Life

2023-06-06 04:41:44 For a long time, you have dreamed of learning to speak Spanish, to dance, to play the piano… But you can’t get started, for lack of time, lack of motivation or, quite simply, because, after all, you’re not really 20 anymore. Think again ! If you put in the effort to try, your … Read more

How the human brain developed

Infographics The brain of the first hominins, some 7 million years ago, weighed about the weight of a mango. That of modern men, largely three times more. The possible causes of this boom: a richer diet and a more energy-efficient lifestyle for the body. Explanations in pictures. 08 mars 2023| Reading time: 0 mins

We discovered a fourth envelope around the brain

The brain is a well-protected organ: in addition to the cranial wall, it is enveloped by several membranes – three, it was believed: the dura mater, the arachnoid mater and the pia mater. But thanks to ultra-sophisticated imaging and molecular biology techniques, an American-Danish team has just brought to light a fourth, called SLYM. (subarachnoid … Read more