‘Omega 3’ that helps fetal development…Criteria for selection for mothers [알고 먹자 영양소]

Omega 3 is an essential nutrient for pregnant women. DHA and EPA, the major components of omega, play a very important role in the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Effects of Omega 3 on the Fetus DHA is a component of brain, nervous tissue, and retinal tissue. In addition, it … Read more

What are ‘nutrition measures’ for my child to spend a healthy summer? [알고 먹자 영양소]

As the saying goes, ‘There is no business in the heat’, summer is a season that is easy to get tired of. High temperature and humidity, in addition to the sudden temperature difference between indoors and outdoors due to the air conditioner, and the risk of various infections. Now is the time to take care … Read more

Vitamins B, C, D, essential for modern people who dream of healthy pleasure [알고 먹자 영양소]

The way we approach nutrition is changing. In the past, the older generation looked for nutritional supplements to prevent disease, but the 2030 generation prefers customized health functional foods that fit their needs and tastes in order to be satisfied with their physical condition. This is the reason why ‘healthy pleasure’, which means managing health … Read more

How to safely store omega 3 in the summer when you are worried about rancidity [알고 먹자 영양소]

Hot weather can impair blood circulation and metabolism. It is because of this influence that we often feel tired and lethargic in the summer. While avoiding the heat and doing light exercise such as stretching to promote blood circulation, taking Omega 3, which is effective in improving blood circulation, is also a way to manage … Read more

[비타민 바이블] Healthy brain = happy old age… Omega 3 that helps prevent dementia

How much do we know about ‘vitamins’ that are as versatile as their types? Hidak, along with Joo Jun-kyung (Wirye Central Pharmacy), is a self-proclaimed vitamin guide for busy modern people. Learn more about vitamins with Hidak’s VITAMIN+BIBLE. As life expectancy increases, the elderly population is increasing rapidly. According to the ‘2020 Population and Housing … Read more

Calcium]② Two ways to be absorbed by our body

Know and eat more delicious nutrients. [영양소 탐험]provides an easy-to-understand explanation of how essential nutrients essential for our body work through which processes in the human body, along with nutritionist Yoon Seong-won, a nutrition consultant at Hidak. The food we eat is digested in the stomach and mostly absorbed in the small intestine. No matter … Read more