If the spine is “inflamed”, what do you need to pay attention to in life? | Spine | Inflammation | Psychological adjustment | Physical exercise |

[Voice of Hope February 12, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) The spine can also be inflamed, isn’t it? When everyone mentions spondylitis, they immediately think of ankylosing spondylitis. Does an inflammation of the spine mean ankylosing spondylitis? In fact, the joints of the spine, vertebral endplates and vertebral bone may all be inflamed. Clinically, there are rheumatoid … Read more

“Health Net” Hoarseness is due to the lack of vital energy in the five viscera

Chinese medicine practitioners say that hoarseness is “no sound”. The human body’s voice is produced by qi, and the source of qi lies in the five internal organs. If the qi in the five internal organs is sufficient, the sound will be loud; if the qi is insufficient, the sound will be low ; Situation … Read more

Health.com” Eating grapefruit moon cakes requires abstinence from the doctor: the risk of diabetics suffering from periodontal disease is 1.9 times that of the average person-Instant News-Free Health Network

Physician Cao Haowei said that the secretion of saliva in diabetic patients is relatively small, which will affect the ability of periodontal tissue to fight microorganisms. In the context photo, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Is periodontal disease related to diabetes? Cao … Read more

Antibiotics kill gut bacteria and inflame the whole body?Do This to Prevent | Leaky Gut | Probiotics

In recent years,antibioticAbuse is one of the most serious problems. For example, people may take antibiotics for a cold, but colds are mostly caused by viruses, and antibiotics are not effective. Because the only function of antibiotics is to kill bacteria, such as Salmonella, which causes gastroenteritis. Or some people are superstitious about taking powerful … Read more

The girl squeezed the pimple and the face infection took a year to go to the doctor. “6 stitches in surgery” looks super scary | life | CTWANT

Regardless of adolescents or adults, acne will develop, and some people will habitually squeeze, but this action can have serious consequences. There is a 23-year-old woman surnamed Chen in Fujian, China. She used needles to squeeze her acne in the past, which resulted in a face infection. She finally had 6 stitches and is currently … Read more

Bad and bad looking for excitement with her boyfriend… The female college student’s lower body was stuffed with “this” for 1 month and it was so painful that it was frozen and stinky | International | CTWANT

Although boudoir sex can enhance the relationship between couples or husbands and wives, but if you don’t have a good sense of proportion, I am afraid it will only bring about the opposite effect. A female college student from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, mainland China recently went to the hospital for consultation and shyly shouted … Read more