The “good bots” drop the mask on Twitter

Separating the wheat from the chaff. This is the purpose of the new “good bots” badge introduced by Twitter on its platform. Tested since September 2021, this label is part of the social network’s fight against malicious bots, sometimes used to circulate false information en masse. It must allow developers who design “good bots” to … Read more

Measles kills more than 150 people in Afghanistan

A measles epidemic has struck tens of thousands of people and killed more than 150, almost exclusively children, for a year in Afghanistan, alerted Friday, the WHO, judging that the death toll would increase. This highly contagious viral disease, which takes its name from the characteristic red patches all over the body, mainly strikes children, … Read more

Long-known coronavirus alert

A recent study, conducted by scientists from Wuhan University and the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and published on the website of BioRxiv preprint, draws attention. This preliminary research alerts to the potential danger of a type of coronavirus responding to the sweet name of NeoCoV, already studied for 10 years. … Read more