New Alzheimer’s drug proves effective in slowing cognitive decline

A number of scientists expressed, on Wednesday, November 30 (November), their satisfaction with the detailed results of a clinical study on a new drug that confirmed its effectiveness in slowing down… cognitive decline for patients with diseaseAlzheimer’s neurodegenerative, but they also talked about the potential for negative effects. The full results of this advanced (Phase … Read more

Unprecedented details of a distant planet collected by the James Webb Telescope

A number of astronomers have discovered new details about planet Far away, in an important achievement that would lead to a fundamental shift in the search for alien life. In the new research, scientists have identified the characteristics of the atmosphere of a planet located outside our solar system, and this came in a large … Read more

Patients with “bipolar disorder” in Britain suffer a delay in diagnosis

Experts said that people infected with Bbipolar disorder They wait for long periods of time to be diagnosed and this exposes them to wrong treatment. The mental health condition that affects writer and broadcaster Stephen Fry and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones also results in extreme mood swings that may exceed many people’s experiences of feeling happy … Read more