America responds to Russia’s announcement of withdrawal from the International Space Station

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" Ministry spokesman said Ned Price In a regular press release: "We were surprised by the public statement that was issued". He continued: "It is an unfortunate development in view of the critical scientific work that has been done on the International Space Station as well as the valuable professional cooperation … Read more

Taken by the James Webb Telescope .. NASA publishes the “deepest picture of the universe”

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" The image, resulting from 72 exposures over a 32-hour period, was captured by the telescope’s precision-guidance detector, the tool that allows the state-of-the-art spacecraft to target and focus on objects of interest. hung US space agency in a statement "This is one of the deepest images of the universe ever". … Read more