[뉴욕증시포커스] U.S., U.K. ban on Russian oil imports… Nasdaq 0.28%↓

The New York Stock Exchange closed lower amid the Ukraine crisis and a surge in international oil prices. source = news [이코노믹리뷰=노성인 기자] New York stocks plunged on news of a US and UK embargo on Russian oil. It is believed that investor sentiment has deteriorated as concerns about an economic slowdown have increased due … Read more

Vitamin deficiency.. Do you suffer from frequent illness and fatigue? | health | Essential information for better health | DW

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, plays an important role in various functions in the body, from maintaining bone health to regulating other nutrients, and is essential for your health and immune system. Vitamin D deficiency in the body and neglect of its treatment is one of the main reasons for the occurrence … Read more

Changsha has a new option for movie viewing. Happy Mango Studios officially opened_Phoenix Street_Cinema_Hu Yi

Original title: Changsha movie viewing has a new choice, Happy Mango Studios officially opened Red Net Moment February 1st News(Correspondent Li Yang, reporter Hu Yi) It has become a New Year’s custom to watch movies during the Chinese New Year. This year’s Spring Festival is full of blockbusters, and Hexi citizens have new options for … Read more