Taipei mayor’s poll falls below the glasses, Wu Zijia boldly predicts the ending – Politics – China Times News

The nine-in-one election is just around the corner, and the elections for the heads of counties and cities have attracted much attention, and the capital is a battleground for the military. The support of Huang Shanshan and DPP candidate Chen Shizhong are quite close. Wu Zijia, chairman of the “Beautiful Island Electronic News”, predicted that “Chen Shizhong may still appear.”

tangled together!Taipei mayor’s poll fell below the glasses, Wu Zijia boldly predicted the outcome @中世新网​

Wu Zijia said in the online program “Chairman’s Lectures” on the 8th that from the support of the Taipei mayoral election, we can see that Jiang Wanan’s support is 29.6%, Huang Shanshan is 28.1%, and Chen Shizhong is 27.8%. Like a twist, they are entangled, there is no first or second place issue, and since the publication of polls will be banned in the last ten days before the election, each side may say that its own polls are high at that time.

Wu Zijia also said that under such circumstances, “the votes of Jiang Wanan and Huang Shanshan will be relatively fluid; the votes of Chen Shizhong and the two of them will be relatively low.” He boldly predicted that “in fact, this Taipei The city’s “three-legged governor” election campaign may still be entangled in the last ten days, and if one of the entanglements is not good, Chen Shizhong may still appear.”

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