Taoyuan Health Bureau announces the results of random inspection of food for the Dragon Boat Festival | Zongzi | The Epoch Times

[The Epoch Times, May 27, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Xu Naiyi TaiwanTaoyuanreport) in response toDragon Boat FestivalFestival is coming, Taoyuan CityHealth Bureaufor gatekeepingDragon Boat FestivalSeasonal Foods, from April to various supermarkets, traditional markets, food raw materials,ZongziA total of 108 pieces of rice dumplings and ingredients (raw fresh meat, salted egg yolk, dried shrimp, peanuts, dried mushrooms, preserved vegetables, sweet fillings, and seasoning sauces) were sampled in manufacturing and specialty stores.

TaoyuancityHealth BureauIn order to check the food for the Dragon Boat Festival, we randomly tested all kinds of rice dumplings and ingredients. (Provided by Taoyuan City Health Bureau)

The inspection items include: microorganisms, borax, beta-receptor hormones, preservatives, Sudan pigments, bleaching agents, formaldehyde, sweeteners and aflatoxins, etc. Among them, one complete package of frozen meat dumplings was found to have excessive microorganisms and did not meet the regulations , has been transferred to the source health bureau for processing. The detailed random test results are published on the Health Bureau website and the Peach Food Safety Information Platform (http://food-safety.tycg.gov.tw/) “Press Release” area for public reference.

In order to check the Dragon Boat Festival food, the Taoyuan City Health Bureau randomly tested various finished products and ingredients of rice dumplings. (Provided by Taoyuan City Health Bureau)

Among the 108 products randomly tested, 1 complete package of frozen meat dumplings was found to exceed the standard of Enterobacteriaceae, which did not meet the hygienic standards for microbial frozen food in food, which violated Article 17 of the “Food Safety and Hygiene Management Law”. Remove the offending products from the shelves, and transfer them to the manufacturer’s health bureau for follow-up investigations on process quality control and storage and transportation hygiene, and request improvements to avoid adverse events.

The Health Bureau reminds the public that with the weather getting hotter and the rainy season is just over, warmth and humidity are breeding grounds for bacteria, and food preservation and hygiene are particularly important.BuyZongziWhen cooking, you should choose a reputable manufacturer, and pay attention to the sanitation of the production and sales environment. After the cooked food is purchased, it should be fully heated before eating.

When purchasing ingredients, give priority to foods with clear sources and labels. Do not buy foods that are too bright in appearance and have a pungent odor. They should be properly stored according to the storage conditions indicated on the outer packaging and consumed as soon as possible to ensure the freshness of the products. and food safety. If you have any problems with consumption or any disputes, you can call 0800-285-000 or the 1950 consumer service hotline to complain to the Health Bureau or Taoyuan Consumer Service Center. ◇

Responsible editor: Huang Shan

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