“Thanks to the clerk in the severe epidemic”?The notice at the door of the store makes netizens dumbfounded-Life

A netizen shared that he saw a 17-character notice at the door of an e-commerce business. It clearly said “The epidemic is serious”, but after reading the rest of the content, it took a long time to understand that the customer should take the initiative to show the real system, which made him helpless. Calling “It can only be said that the clerk won, the strategy was successful and profound.” (Facebook group “Blasting Waste Commune Public Edition”)

2022/01/24 21:58

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report]Test reading ability? The epidemic of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) in China is heating up. When entering and leaving all places, you must cooperate with filling out the real contact system to help the government to grasp the footprint and control the epidemic. Zhang wrote a 17-character notice, which clearly read “The epidemic is serious”, but after reading the rest of the content, it took a long time to understand that the customer should take the initiative to show the real system, which made him reluctantly shouted, “I can only say that the clerk won, the strategy was successful, profound”.

A netizen posted a notice at the door today on the Facebook group “Explosion and Waste Commune Public Edition”. It can be seen that there are 17 Chinese characters written in black and white on the top of the Facebook group. Serious, serious, store, link, send out, invite, staff, make, show, master, feel, give, real, move, thank.”

It took a long time for the original PO to understand the meaning above: “If the epidemic situation is serious, please take the initiative to show the real contact system to the clerk to thank.” He said helplessly, that is to write this way to attract more attention, “Especially if the obsessive-compulsive disorder like me … I really stared at it for a long time, and I can only say that the clerk won, the strategy was successful, and it was profound”,

The original PO also added that “Hengshu left to right and straight book right to left are correct”, but he still felt a little helpless after reading it, and netizens also shouted dumbfounded when they saw it, “Why did you look at it, the whole fire is up. ”, “I almost feel like I can’t understand Chinese”, “This is writing Spring Festival couplets~ There are also horizontal comments”, “I can read every word in it, but on the same piece of paper, I can only read the four words “severe epidemic” I mean, the rest…”, “I once doubted my Chinese ability”, “Did the person who wrote this note get water in his head… I read it for a long time”, “The first line is written from left to right , the next line should also be written from left to right like this~ It’s really…let’s learn Chinese again.”

For related news, see:

“Wuhan Pneumonia Zone” please click here, and more relevant information will bring you first-hand grasp.

Some netizens laughed and said it was a gluttonous snake. (Facebook group “Blasting Waste Commune Public Edition”)

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