The 5 changes in urine that alert us to prostate cancer – Enseñame de Ciencia

Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms in the elderly male population, and it is a disease that affects this organ that is part of the male reproductive system. Although it is true that its incidence worldwide has decreased thanks to the health programs implemented by several countries, it should not be forgotten that it still prevails in some rural areas due to the lack of knowledge on the subject.

The neoplasm can progress in the body due to fears about routine tests that are done to detect changes in the size of the prostate. Although touch is still being performed in various geographical areas as a method of early detection of prostate cancer, there are currently other clinical methods that are used to diagnose an abnormality in this organ in time, for example, the acid phosphatase test, where it is required just a small blood sample.

As with other types of neoplasms, there are several clinical manifestations that indicate that something abnormal is taking place in the body. In prostate cancer, these symptoms first manifest in the urine, and although the disease causes no symptoms at an early stage, monitoring these changes can make the difference between life and death.

Of according to the NIH (National Institutes of Health, and one of the main medical reference agencies and institutions worldwide), the most important changes in urine that reveal prostate cancer are:

  • Frequent urgency when urinating
  • Needing to get up many times at night to urinate (nocturia)
  • Presence of blood in the urine
  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • urine dripping

On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic reports that there are other symptoms that warn of a growing tumor in the prostate. These changes, although they do not appear in an initial stage, must be monitored by a doctor in order to diagnose and carry out an adequate treatment. In an advanced stage, prostate cancer can cause the following symptoms:

  • Blood in the seminal fluid
  • Bone-ache
  • weight loss without trying
  • Dysfunction

When the cancer has advanced and has migrated to other organs and tissues (tumor metastasis), the symptoms that appear will depend on the organ or system that is affected. These failures, which gradually increase and worsen, are what cause the death of cancer patients. With prostate cancer, one of the first organs affected after metastasis are the bones, so pain (mainly in the lower spine and hip) could be a sign that the tumors have spread. extended to the bones.

The health information pills presented on this site only fulfill the function of disseminating what has already been reported in the literature, and such information should never be used as a method of self-diagnosis. If you suspect any disease, consult your doctor.

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