The agreement for the Medicine Career at UNCA was signed

February 24, 2022 – 00:11

Governor Raúl Jalil signed a cooperation agreement with the rector of the National University of Catamarca (UNCA), Oscar Arellano, and the rector of the National University of Tucumán (UNT), José García, for the creation and teaching of the career of medicine in the province.

The parties committed to specify the necessary actions for the creation, implementation and dictation of the Medicine career at the UNCA with the support and advice of the UNT and the Government of Catamarca, until the UNCA can fully assume the leadership and dictation of the career itself. The Government also assumes the commitment to carry out the procedures to make the Provincial Network of Health Services available to the dictation of the career according to the requirements of CONEAU that allow the practices of subjects, professionals and comprehensive.

After signing the agreement, Jalil expressed that “the Medicine career is a yearning since the time of the creators of the University of Catamarca. Today we are closer thanks to joint work with the UNT, the UNCA and the Government that will contribute whatever is necessary to make it a reality”.

“Now, many people from Catamarca and Catamarca will be able to train as doctors in their province, especially those who did not have the opportunity or the resources to study in another,” he said.

José García, Rector of the National University of Tucumán, thanked the Governor for requesting the support of the UNT to implement the career in Catamarca and maintained that “the launch of the Medicine career in Catamarca means a great job of budget, infrastructure , human resources to reach the implementation of the race. There is still an important way to go for the accreditation of the race, but I am sure that working together it will be achieved”.

On the other hand, Oscar Arellano, Rector of the UNCA, pointed out that “the Medicine career was part of the dreams of the founders of our university and was sustained over time with a strong demand by an important part of the Catamarcan community”.

Scientific Development Center

Jalil signed an agreement with Arellano for the creation of the Provincial Productive Scientific and Technological Development Center. The center will aim to promote the scientific and technological progress of local industries, through research and advisory activities, aimed at developing the productive profile of local industries.

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