The bad news is linked for Ferrero: Nutella in turn in the turmoil

For the Ferrero group, the scandal of Kinder contaminated with salmonellosis is far from ancient history. The Belgian factory is still shut down and product recalls have multiplied in recent weeks around the world. From eggs marketed at Easter to Advent calendars last December, Kinder products have gradually left supermarket shelves and consumer cupboards. Not sure that the brand accustomed to reserve surprises for children will quickly regain the confidence of their parents.

Consumers also seem to have the Ferrero group particularly in their sights. Thus, in recent days, several customers of the Nutella brand have posted their concerns on social networks. What was their astonishment when they found that their jar of spread did not have the aspect that they usually know.

Strange white bubbles indeed appear on the surface of the Nutella, without them explaining the reason. For them, there is no question of taking the slightest risk. Could the probable contamination of Kinder brand products also concern Nutella jars?

The Ferrero group wanted to quickly reassure its customers in order to avoid a new massive recall of products or a boycott of its spread. “We would like to reassure consumers that these traces are not linked to “salmonella colonies”, but that it is a change in the consistency of the product due to storage conditions. This in no way alters the quality and taste of the product.”

This is not the first time that this “phenomenon” has been observed by consumers. Already, in 2013, an American user was worried about it before being quickly reassured by the brand which also told him that it was only a phenomenon linked to the storage of the product, the temperature being able to lead to a separation fat.

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