The Crucial Influence of the Secret Service in the PIF Acquisition

Britain’s secret services played a crucial role in the operation that enabled the Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, to buy the Newcastle club.

It was published by the English newspaper Times, which revealed a letter sent by the London Foreign Ministry to MI6, the most famous spy service in the world.

The letter, obtained by the newspaper under freedom of information laws, highlights the concerns of the government, then headed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, about the Premier League’s obstruction of the PIF’s bid to buy Newcastle.

A “worrying” attitude for the executive branch, which explained to MI5, however, that it wanted to “promote a high-level dialogue” with Riyadh.

Negotiations to buy the club lasted for months, due to widespread criticism, including within the Premier League, of allegations against Saudi Arabia of human rights violations, piracy of television rights and “sportswashing” – using investment in sport to improve its image internationally.

At the time, Saudi Arabia’s image had been severely damaged by the murder, two years earlier, of dissident journalist Jamal Kashoggi, instigated – according to US sources – by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the head of the Saudi nation.

It is also for this reason that two Conservative MPs, in May 2020, a few months after the start of the PIF negotiations, asked the government to examine and prevent the sale of Newcastle to an ownership considered “uncomfortable” to English football.

Evidently unaware that the same government, in those weeks, was indeed taking action, but in a completely different direction, indicating to MI5 that the entry of the PIF into the Premier League should be considered “an urgent matter”, which would have merited – to guarantee a happy ending – the involvement of “a high-level interlocutor to underline the interests” of the British government in the matter.

It remains unclear, however, after the letter, whether and to what extent the secret services actually played a role in the negotiations. What is certain is that in October 2021, despite numerous postponements and obstacles, the acquisition of Newcastle by the PIF took place, as expected and as was written in the letter to MI6, 16 months earlier.


How did Britain’s secret services influence the acquisition of ‍Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund?

Britain’s Secret Services Played Crucial Role in‍ Saudi Arabia’s ⁣Acquisition of Newcastle United

In a shocking revelation, ⁢it has​ come to light that Britain’s secret services played a pivotal role in facilitating⁢ the acquisition of Newcastle United Football Club by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF). According ⁢to a letter obtained by The ⁤Times under freedom of information laws, the London Foreign Ministry reached out to MI6, the⁣ world’s most renowned ⁢spy ⁢agency, to expedite ⁣the Premier League’s approval of the ‌PIF’s bid to buy the Newcastle​ club.

Government Concerns and Intervention

The letter, sent during the tenure of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, highlights the government’s concerns ‌about ‍the Premier League’s obstruction of the PIF’s bid.‌ Despite widespread criticism of Saudi ‍Arabia’s human rights violations, piracy of television rights, and “sportswashing” – using investment in sports to improve its international image – the government sought to “promote a high-level dialogue”⁢ with Riyadh. ⁢This move‍ was deemed ‍”worrying” by some, but the executive branch was keen to smooth the way for the PIF’s⁣ acquisition.

Months of Negotiations⁣ and Controversy

The negotiations to buy the club lasted for ⁣months, with the PIF facing significant opposition‍ from the Premier League and human rights groups. Saudi Arabia’s reputation had been severely tarnished by the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi two years prior,⁣ allegedly instigated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This led to two Conservative MPs calling on the ​government to prevent ​the​ sale of Newcastle to an “uncomfortable” ⁢ownership in May 2020.

Government Involvement and Lobbying

Unbeknownst to the MPs, the government was secretly working to facilitate the deal. The letter reveals that the​ government instructed MI5 to consider the‌ PIF’s entry into the Premier League an “urgent ‌matter” that required the involvement of a “high-level interlocutor” to underscore the British government’s interests in the matter. This level of government involvement ⁣and lobbying raises serious questions about the extent to which the government was willing to compromise on its values to secure a deal with Saudi Arabia.

Implications of the Deal

The acquisition of Newcastle United ⁤by the PIF has ⁤significant implications for English football and beyond. The deal ⁣has sparked concerns about the influence of Saudi Arabia’s ‌autocratic regime on⁣ the sport, as well as the potential⁤ for “sportswashing” to distract from human rights abuses. The involvement of Britain’s secret services ‍in facilitating the deal raises further questions about the government’s commitment to upholding human rights and promoting transparency in international dealings.


The‌ revelation that Britain’s⁤ secret services played‍ a crucial role in​ facilitating the PIF’s acquisition of Newcastle United sheds new‍ light on ​the ⁣complex web of interests and allegiances ‍at play in international ⁣sports and ​politics. As the Premier League continues to grapple with the implications of the deal, it is ⁣essential that ​the ⁤government is held accountable for its role in promoting Saudi Arabia’s interests, even if it means compromising on its own values.

Keywords: ⁤ Britain’s secret ⁤services, Newcastle United, Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia, Premier League, human rights violations, sportswashing, MI6, MI5, Boris Johnson, ‍Crown Prince Mohammed bin‌ Salman, Jamal Khashoggi.

What role did Britain’s secret services play in the acquisition of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund?

Britain’s Secret Services Played a Crucial Role in the Acquisition of Newcastle United

In a shocking revelation, it has been discovered that Britain’s secret services played a vital role in facilitating the acquisition of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF). According to a letter obtained by The Times, the London Foreign Ministry had instructed MI6, the world’s most renowned spy agency, to promote a high-level dialogue with Riyadh to ensure a smooth transaction.

Government Concerns and Intervention

The letter, released under freedom of information laws, highlights the concerns of the British government, led by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson, regarding the Premier League’s obstruction of the PIF’s bid to buy Newcastle. The government was anxious to “promote a high-level dialogue” with Riyadh, despite widespread criticism of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record, piracy of television rights, and “sportswashing” allegations.

Negotiations and Obstacles

The negotiations to buy the club lasted for months, with the Premier League and many critics expressing concerns about Saudi Arabia’s reputation. The murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, allegedly instigated by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, had severely damaged the country’s image. Two Conservative MPs had even asked the government to examine and prevent the sale of Newcastle to an “uncomfortable” ownership in May 2020.

Secret Services’ Involvement

Although it is unclear to what extent the secret services were involved in the negotiations, the letter suggests that they played a crucial role in ensuring the acquisition went through. The government’s instruction to MI6 to consider the entry of the PIF into the Premier League as an “urgent matter” suggests that the secret services were tasked with facilitating the deal.

The Outcome

Despite numerous postponements and obstacles, the acquisition of Newcastle by the PIF took place in October 2021, as expected. The involvement of Britain’s secret services in the deal raises important questions about the government’s priorities and its willingness to overlook Saudi Arabia’s controversial record in exchange for economic and strategic gains.

Implications and Consequences

This revelation has significant implications for the world of football and beyond. It highlights the complex and often murky relationships between governments, businesses, and sports organizations. The influence of Britain’s secret services in the acquisition of Newcastle United raises concerns about the integrity of the sport and the potential for political interference in future deals.


the revelation of Britain’s secret services’ involvement in the acquisition of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund is a significant one. It highlights the complexities of international politics, business, and sport, and raises important questions about the role of governments in facilitating deals that may be detrimental to human rights and the integrity of the sport.

Keyword Optimizations:

Britain’s secret services

Newcastle United

Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF)


Boris Johnson

Premier League

Human rights violations


Jamal Khashoggi

Mohammed bin Salman


International politics

* Business and sport.



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