The definitive difference between “a person who can change his life suddenly” and “a person who remains the same” | How to change yourself | Diamond Online

Nobel Prize-winning economist Richard Thaler“amazing”Distinguished behavioral scientist Katie Milkman put all her knowledge into it.“How to Change Yourself: A Powerful Behavioral Science That Makes Your Body Move Even if You Don’t Like It”(Written by Katie Milkman, translated by Yuko Sakurai, Diamond Publishing). It is a global bestseller, with publications scheduled in 26 countries around the world.“What can I do to change my behavior and that of others?”Angela Duckworth, a psychologist and author of “Perseverance GRIT”, explains various things while explaining the “principle of behavior” of human beings.this bookAnyone can become a superhuman by readingHe praised and wrote a preface.In this manuscriptIbid.From, we will introduce some of the surprising contents specially.

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If you change your environment, you can cut off the “old self”

Consider a study of transfer students at Texas A&M University.

Some of the transfer students came from local junior colleges, while others came from other towns.

In this study, we compared students whose environment did not change with those who did. Some of the transfer students remained largely unchanged in their environment, maintained most of their lifestyle habits, and kept in touch with the same friends in the same area. On the other hand, there were students whose lives changed completely.

The study also examined whether the degree of change students experienced affected habits such as watching television, reading newspapers, and exercising. As expected, it turns out that the degree of change makes a big difference.

Students who transferred mainly from local junior colleges and experienced little change in their environment largely maintained their original lifestyle habits, whereas students who experienced greater changes were more likely to change their behavior.

Hengchen and Jason, in my research as well,On the calendar, too, we found that larger milestones elicited greater responses.

New Years, for example, has a much greater impact on behavior than a typical Monday. The more important the date was, the more likely it was that I would take a step back, reflect on myself, and cleanly cut off the past.

The more I think regarding this research, the more I feel like it’s a fresh start.(a new start)I mightn’t help but feel like I was sleeping without being fully utilized.

 When you want to change yourself, you can make it easier to break old habits and ways of thinking by changing your environment.And even simple things like finding a new cafe to work in or a new gym can go a long way.

You can also use major changes in your life to reassess what’s most important to you. Illness, a promotion, or a move can create interruptions that can turn your life around.(Omitted)

Start on a day with a “fresh start feeling”

If you want to make positive changes in your life, but you’ve failed in the past and feel like you’ll never do it once more, look for opportunities for a fresh start.

Is there a day that feels like a clean break from the past? It might be your birthday, the first day of summer, or just Monday.

Or can we change the physical environment? (Or can I help my subordinates change their environment?)

Even if you can’t move to a new house or office, working in a cafe or changing other routines might give you a fresh start.

And might we reset the metrics that measure our progress toward meeting our goals? Breaking down annual sales goals into monthly goals might create more frequent reset opportunities for yourself (and your struggling employees).

(This manuscript is“How to Change Yourself: A Powerful Behavioral Science That Makes Your Body Move Even if You Don’t Like It”excerpt from)



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