The discovery of a mysterious phenomenon of black holes.. Get to know it

One of the first things people learn about black holes is that they suck up everything that gets close to them, but that’s not entirely accurate. It’s true that once anything crosses the event horizon of a black hole it can never escape, but there is an important area around a black hole where the effects of gravity can still Its very powerful but things can still escape.

In fact, black holes regularly emit exciting bursts of matter, which are usually thrown out when matter falls into the black hole and a small amount is expelled outward at great speeds.

But astronomers recently discovered a completely mysterious phenomenon, in which a black hole ejects material years after tearing a star apart, according to Digitartlends.

The AT2019dsg black hole is located 665 million light-years away and was seen tearing apart the star in 2018, then for unknown reasons, it became very active again in 2021. Research Associate at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

The black hole throws material at a tremendous speed of half the speed of light. This happened years after the star was turbid by the black hole, in what is called a tidal disturbance event (TDE), and there is no clear explanation for this delay.

“We have been studying TDE with radio telescopes for over a decade, and sometimes find that it shines in radio waves as it spews material out as a black hole consumes the star for the first time,” co-author Edo Berger said. The first, and now dramatically lit up to become one of the brightest radio TDEs ever.”

The particularly strange thing is that researchers have observed the spaghetti event and found it to be “unremarkable”, yet for some reason this outflow is much later and much faster than the usual outflows.

“This is the first time we’ve seen such a long delay between feeding and outflow,” Berger says. .”

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