October 28 is the first four days of the school year, as its celebration falls on a Monday, but schools will celebrate it on Friday, October 25 by organizing school holidays.
The 2024-25 school holidays
Christmas Holidays 2025: Schools close on Monday 23 December and return on Wednesday 8 January.
OR Clear Monday in 2025 it falls on March 3rd
THE commemoration of the anniversary of the Revolution of 1821 falls on Tuesday, March 25, so the school celebration will take place on Monday, March 24.
Easter Holidays 2025: Schools will be closed on Friday, April 11th and will reopen on Monday, April 28th.
Official Holidays
Specifically, KPEA notes: “The days of mandatory holiday that have been determined by law and during which all industrial, craft, commercial work, professional activity, as well as the employment of employees are prohibited are the following”:
- January 1, which was added to the mandatory holidays pursuant to Article 60 of Law 4808/2021
- the 6th of January (the Feast of the Epiphany), which was added to the mandatory holidays pursuant to Article 60 of Law 4808/2021
- the 25th of March
- Easter Monday
- the Feast of the Assumption (August 15)
- the feast of the Nativity of Christ (December 25).
- the Second day of Christmas (December 26), which was added to the mandatory holidays by virtue of article 42 of Law 4554/2018.
- May 1, which pursuant to Article 14 of Law 4468/2017, was designated as a mandatory holiday. With the same provision as above, it was defined that by decision of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, the holiday of May 1st is moved to another working day, if it coincides with a Sunday, a day of Holy Week or Easter Monday.
- the 28th of October which was added to the mandatory holidays by virtue of article 60 of Law 4808/2021, while until the publication of the law it had the character of an optional holiday.
By decisions of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, which are issued after the opinion of the ASE and published in the Government Gazette, other holidays, up to five (5) per year, can be designated as mandatory or optional holidays throughout the Territory. As far as local holidays are concerned, the responsibility lies with the District Governors. With the same procedure, the prescribed holidays may be abolished or changed (Article 60 Law 4808/2021).
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