The James Webb Telescope takes a picture that explodes scenarios of the evolution of the universe

Scientists have made a new discovery, thanks to the “James Webb” telescope of the American agency “NASA”, which is a new scenario for how young galaxies are formed similar to the “Milky Way” galaxy to which the solar system belongs.

The British newspaper “The Independent” said that the “James Webb” telescope took new pictures of young galaxies that are billions of years old, similar to the “Milky Way”, which bears another name, the “Milky Way”.

The discovery of these barred galaxies will help refine theories regarding the evolution of the universe, say the researchers, some of whom work at the University of Austin in Texas.

Stellar bars play a pivotal role in the evolution of galaxies by pumping gas into their central regions and contributing to the formation of stars, according to a study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The most important points of the study

  • The study highlights several barred spiral galaxies that are 8 billion years old.
  • Previous studies indicated the existence of this type of galaxies.
  • In the new study, the researchers say that the images collected by the previous Hubble telescope have not previously revealed the stellar features of these galaxies. For example, there is a rib galaxy called “EGS-23205”, the images taken of it via “Hubble” appear to be slightly larger than a “mark on a hard disk”, but the images collected by the new telescope “James Webb”, show that it is A beautiful spiral galaxy with clear star bars.”

James Webb’s abilities

Scientists attributed the new discovery to James Webb’s use of larger mirrors, which give him the ability to collect light, allowing him to see more with more precision.

The scientists worked to visually review hundreds of galaxies, looking for those that contain star bars, which helped narrow the list down to a few dozen for analysis with more intensive approaches.

University of Austin astronomer and co-author of the study, Sharda Jogi, said: “The bars were barely seen in Hubble data, they just appeared in James Webb images, showing the telescope’s tremendous capabilities in showing the basic structure of galaxies,” according to Sky News Arabia.

And she continued: “The rods help solve the problem of supply chains in galaxies, and just as we need to bring raw materials from the port to the factories to make new products, the stellar rods serve to transport gas in the central region when the gas turns into new stars at a rate ranging between 10-10 100 times more than the rest of the galaxy.”

Scientists say that the new discovery regarding stellar bars during the early period of the universe will “shake up” the scenarios for the evolution of galaxies.

Jogi stated that there is a new scenario for the evolution of galaxies, which is that the rods accelerated the production of stars in the early ages.



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