The Mufti clarifies the time to pay the ransom for breaking the fast for a person who is unable to fast because of a permanent excuse

What is the time to pay the ransom for breaking the fast in Ramadan for someone who is unable to pay? fasting Because of a permanent excuse?, a question answered by Dr. Shawki Allam, Mufti of the Republic, and his response was as follows:

The jurists who say that the ransom is obligatory for the one who is unable to fast for a continuous excuse – and they are the majority of jurists with the exception of the Malikis – agreed that it is acceptable for the one who is obliged to pay it every day; It is paid for the present day after dawn breaks, and it is permissible to come before dawn and be taken out at night. Just as it is permissible to make an intention from the night if he is able to fast, and it is permissible to delay it so that he pays it in full at the end of the month; The scholar Ibn Najim al-Hanafi said in “Al-Bahr Al-Ra’iq” (2/308-309, vol. Dar Al-Kitab Al-Islami): [في “فتاوى أبي حفص الكبير”:.. وإن شاء أعطاها -أي الفدية- في آخره بمرةٍ] Ah.

And Imam Al-Nawawi Al-Shafi’i said in Al-Majmoo’ (6/161, i. Dar Al-Fikr): [ويجوز -أي: إخراجُ الفدية- بعد طلوع الفجر من يوم رمضان للشيخ عن ذلك اليوم، ويجوز قبل الفجر أيضًا على المذهب، وبه قطع الدارمي] Ah.

Imam al-Ramli al-Shafi’i said in his Fatwas (2/ 74, i. The Islamic Library): [ويتخيَّر في إخراجها -أي: الفدية-: بين تأخيرها، وبين إخراج فديةِ كلِّ يومٍ فيه أو بعد فراغه] Ah.

Imam al-Mardawi al-Hanbali said in “Al-Insaaf” (3/291, i. Dar Revival of Arab Heritage): [يجوز صرف الإطعام -أي: فديةً عن الصوم- إلى مسكينٍ واحدٍ جملةً واحدةً؛ بلا نزاع] Ah.

If the exchange is a single sentence, it is permissible; It is permissible day by day a fortiori.

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