The network has the first frames of the open beta Warcraft Arclight Rumble | Games

Blizzard Entertainment has launched the Warcraft Arclight Rumble Open Beta in Australia. Players who have tested the mobile strategy have started posting gameplay videos online.

On average, each mission in the single player campaign takes 6 minutes to complete. At the same time, gamers noted that the battles in the game are very leisurely, and sometimes the player cannot do anything for a long time until the end of the battle.

Blizzard announced mobile strategy on May 3rd. The game will be available on devices with iOS and Android systems, but the release date is unknown. After the announcement of Warcraft Arclight Rumble, gamers criticized studio, calling the title “an unworthy descendant of epic strategies” and “an application for pumping money.” Later, representatives of Blizzard Entertainment declaredthat there will be no loot boxes and a gacha mechanic in the game.

Warcraft Arclight Rumble Beta Gameplay:

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