The real estate department file is to the fore.. The escape of employees and the difficult health conditions of a woman arrested from the Baabda district

The file of the real estate departments returned to the fore once again, after the preliminary investigations were concluded in Baabda and were referred to the Appeal Public Prosecution, at a time when the interrogation investigations began in the Zalka district, bringing the number of detainees in the two departments to 54, and more than 30 people are in hiding, and two employees were released Two with surety bonds from the “Baabda” real estate.

The beginning is from Baabda, where the file was not referred to the Appeals Public Prosecution except after pressure from a group of lawyers and the families of the detainees, who record their objection to the arrests, considering them to be “arbitrary” and “discretionary” to blame corruption crimes on junior employees and brokers, while senior employees flee abroad. It also happened in the Chouf real estate department after the escape of one of the senior employees to America.

Baabda district

Thus, the Baabda file was referred to the Appeal Public Prosecution to review the basis and express an opinion on requests for release in preparation for the issuance of the indictment, and accordingly, according to a follow-up judicial source who confirmed to “Lebanon 24” that we may witness new releases in the next stage, but the matter may require more time.
According to the information, one of the detainees, named R. Dr.. From the Baabda district, she was exposed to a sudden health condition as a result of the difficult conditions in “Barbar El-Khazen” prison, where she was diagnosed with heart disease, which necessitated her transfer to “Al-Hayat” Hospital, and she is currently being treated “at the expense of her family,” as confirmed by the follow-up source.

Zalka district

The information confirms that all those in hiding from the Baabda district were issued arrest warrants in absentia, and this also happened in the Al-Matn district in Zalka, which did not happen with regard to some names in the Chouf district, which led to the flight of the employee concerned to America.

Before the Chouf, what happens in Zalka? The follow-up source says that the investigations began in Zalka and will continue until next week, after Judge Samer Lishaa charged 51 people, pending the expansion of the investigation and the issuance of arrest warrants similar to what happened in the second chambers.

The investigating judge in Mount Lebanon, Hanna Braidy, conducted his investigations with the arrested employees and brokers in the file of corruption, bribery and forgery in Zalka real estate. Lebanon 24 learned that some of the detainees’ families met with major political party figures to “mediate” to close the file or look into it, but they were met with complete rejection, especially because the file did not bear any religious or sectarian consequences.

Chouf district

As for the major catastrophe, it is in the Chouf, and follow-up sources confirm that major political interventions took place on several levels, the first of which was the delay in opening the file until some matters were settled, including the transfer of certain real estate belonging to one of the senior politicians, and secondly, allowing one of the senior employees to leave the country, and this is what actually happened. And the source confirms that he is now in the United States of America. Here, the discussion returns to the previous point, i.e. discretion in dealing. If search and investigation notes were written against the employees of the “Shouf” as what happened in Baabda and Al-Matn, this employee would not have become “in the news,” according to the source.

It is noteworthy that the Public Prosecutor of Appeal in Mount Lebanon, Judge Ghada Aoun, had asked a week ago to hear this employee in the case, but the investigations were not completed there, but rather moved to Zalka and Aley, without issuing a search and investigation warrant against this employee, which led to his escape, and he has a lot in his pocket. Among the files that expose the involvement of politicians, personalities, employees and brokers in major corruption files.

Thus, the investigations in these departments expand, amid major political and judicial interventions, which may raise many question marks about the results of the investigation and the accountability of the corrupt in departments that have been hotbeds of corruption for many years.

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