[The Red Scarf Covenant]”The Full Moon and Mid-Autumn Festival Shien Unforgettable” Qunli Experimental Primary School Online Themed Flag Raising Ceremony

[The Red Scarf Covenant]”The Full Moon and Mid-Autumn Festival Shien Unforgettable” Qunli Experimental Primary School Online Themed Flag Raising Ceremony

September 06, 2022 09:57:19

Source: Heilongjiang News Network



September is a harvest season, a festival for teachers, and a season for family reunion. September 10 this year is not only Teachers’ Day, but also the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival and Teachers’ Day are on the same day, and they can only meet once every 19 years. The “Double Festival” in September conveys the concept of respecting teachers and respecting Taoism and staying together in reunion.




Reunion is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Princess Changle and her husband sold half a bronze mirror to reunite; Dongfangshuo hangs lights in Chang’an City to reunite the family during Lantern Festival; Li Mi wrote “Chen Qingbiao” just to reunite with her grandmother; Dayu, for the reunion of all the people in the world, went through his house three times. Reunion… Reunion is the deepest belief in our Chinese culture, and it is deeply engraved in our hearts.





A round of autumn shadows turns to golden waves, the moonlight adds to the beauty of autumn, the blue sea and blue sky and frogs croak, and the people of the motherland are prosperous and happy. “Teacher” is an ordinary but great name. They work hard and awaken their stubborn hearts with love. The teacher paid selflessly, and let the responsibility write down the footprints of hard work. On the three-foot podium, you can always see a teacher full of enthusiasm and vitality. In our study and life, we can always see teachers who are dedicated and full of love.




New semester, new starting point. The teachers of Qunshi are willing to sow the seeds of love and gratitude into the hearts of every student, pass on health, sunshine and self-confidence to each student, and make the Qunli experiment a paradise for students to grow.

<!–enpproperty 6395692022-09-06 09:57:19:0【红领巾之约】“月满中秋 师恩难忘”群力实验小学校线上主题升旗仪式老师,团圆,家人,爱心,学生11058教育体育教育体育http://www.hljnews.cn/wtjy/pic/2022-09/06/3babae48-a7a8-485a-afea-e073f30f8710.pnghttp://www.hljnews.cn/wtjy/pic/2022-09/06/3babae48-a7a8-485a-afea-e073f30f8710.pnghttp://www.hljnews.cn/wtjy/content/2022-09/06/content_639569.htmlhttp://m.hljnews.cn/wtjy/content/2022-09/06/content_639569.html黑龙江新闻网今年的9月10日,不仅是教师节,还是中秋节。9月的“双节”,传达着尊师重道,团圆相守的理念。1/enpproperty–>

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