The role of lawyers in the post-pandemic scenario

The practice of law is immersed in a process of redefining the procedures and work modalities that are a source of strengths and weaknesses for the legal professional.

The advancement of technology and the use of new digital formats mark a scenario of changes not without uncertainty about what will happen in labor relations in general and the practice of law is not exempt from these transformations.

The outbreak of the pandemic with the consequent health emergency imposed the digitization of processes, as the ideal way out for job continuity. However, many administrative obstacles remain fixed that complicate our professional work.

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The bureaucratic structures and the slowness of the justice to resolve daily imply extra efforts that many times affect the economic efficiency in professional practice, increasing costs and consuming unpaid activities.

The greatest satisfaction that our profession gives us is to repair an injustice and improve the life of a person or a family. To this end, the mistreatment to which the courts repeatedly subject us must cease, degrading our status as justice workers.

The unjustified temporary load and the additional energies deployed seriously affect not only our work but – what is worse – the attention that every citizen deserves.

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Technological innovation, and especially the artificial intelligenceare transversely transforming the entire labor market without distinction of trades and professions. The appearance of computer consultants, such as the program called Watson, developed in the United States, is becoming more relevant every day in its implementation. This device works as a legal consultation tool, responding to concerns from potential clients and with a low margin of error.

So we should ask ourselves: What public policies are projected by institutions, both official and from other sectors, regarding the introduction of this type of technology that threatens our profession as we know it? What training policies and knowledge transformation are designing before reality sets in?

Being a lawyer implies a great social commitment. Through the defense of a person, many aspects of the individual reality can be modified, but at the same time contribute to living in a better society. From the institutional point of view we have a fundamental role, especially through control over the functioning of the Judiciary, an essential pillar of the rule of law.

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For all this, we must work together to be recognized and prioritized in our noble task.

* Ruben Ramos. UBA Lawyer – Head of the State Bar Association.

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