The secret of a good relationship – Lena Miro: — LiveJournal

As you know, I cannot be misled by the beautiful pictures of family life shown on social networks.

Photo: Social networks

I predicted all the divorces among our celebrity girls.

It is obvious to me that the same Bogomolov still remains in a relationship with Sobchak only because her mother is a senator, and after marrying Ksyushenka, he was given the management of a theater theater.

Kostya will jump off when it ceases to be profitable for him to be the husband of the stupid Ksyushada, who, by the way, is already very nervous, desperately shifting cellulite arms skinny breasts.

I perfectly see the hungry girls from the pissed doorways, living with their grandfathers for twenty years and giving birth to children who, by age, are suitable for their great-grandchildren. Girls do this not out of great love, but out of great financial dependence.

I see all this and more.

However, the ability to see rot under a bright wrapper does not prevent me from seeing the real and good.

So, for example, in an interview about relations with her husband, Natalya Podolskaya defended the phrase, after which I realized that everything was fine in the family.

One phrase, spoken casually, without pathos, but in it is the secret of a happy family life.

We agree on everything. He yields to me, I yield to Volodya.

Yes, it’s as simple as that: he gives in, I give in.

Unfortunately, such relationships are rare.

Basically, people tend to insist on their own, looking for ways to convince, not to give in. Someone is trying to convince with cuffs, someone – by eating away the brain with a needle eye, someone – by blackmailing icy silence. Neither one nor the other nor the third works.

There are no persuaders. There are those who are defeated and pushed through, but deep down they remain of their own opinion.

And only couples in which people give in to each other, and do it willingly and sincerely, and not reluctantly, are truly happy.

Are you giving in? Are you inferior? Or is there a different model of relationships in your couple? Which?

I am listening to you very carefully. Missed the parade of white coats. Walk!

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