The smoothie that helps take care of the liver and kidneys

The kidneys and liver are key organs in the functioning of the body, as they perform vital functions, since they are responsible for filtration, absorption of nutrients, elimination of waste and contribute to the digestive process.

When these organs are healthy, they give the body the ability to take full advantage of the nutrients and benefits of the food a person eats. “An unhealthy diet with processed, fatty foods, rich in sodium and other compounds, causes the deterioration of these organs and the accumulation of toxins and waste,” says the Better with Health portal.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, of the United States, indicates that to protect them it is important to avoid the development of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

One of the most important aspects to keep these organs healthy is nutrition.. Everyone’s daily diet should include fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or low-fat dairy products.

In this sense, the Better with Health portal revealed that a good option to keep these organs healthy is the consumption of pumpkin juice with cinnamon, a drink that has anti-inflammatory properties.

Additionally, the portal highlighted that pumpkin pulp has a high content of beta-carotene and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Y if combined with a pinch of cinnamon, a supply of B vitamins will be added, which give energy to the body, According to a study published in the journal Current Drug Targets.

To prepare this drink, you need 200 milliliters or a glass of coconut water, a 125-gram cup of cooked pumpkin pulp, and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Once you have the ingredients, you should blend everything until you get a homogeneous mixture and drink it in the morning.

Two of the organs that usually suffer after consuming an unbalanced diet are the liver and the kidneys.

According to MedlinePlus, the US Library of Medicine, some of The causes that influence to have kidney problems are genetic factors, injuries or the consumption of medications, as well as suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure.

Health experts insist that a good diet is essential for the proper functioning of the bodyso there are currently hundreds of homemade recipes that contribute to this purpose.

In addition to the above, detoxification has been in vogue for some time now, which allows a deep cleansing of the body, including the liver and the kidneys, of course, it is important that a specialist advises you to carry out an adequate detoxification.

then some foods that can help you maintain a good functioning of these two organs, which can be included in the daily diethighlights AM.


There is a wide variety of fruits that contribute to cleansing the liver and kidneys. The watermelon, for example, is one of the richest fruits in water, which allows it to help with this purpose, prior to consumption it should be taken into account that it has significant sugar content, so if you suffer from this it is better to consult your GP before including it in your diet.

Apples and blueberries also contribute to these organs. Eating an apple a day helps the liver and also improves intestinal transit, while blueberries are antioxidants, improving the appearance of the skin and rejuvenating the organs.

Grapefruit and melon are also rich in antioxidants. The first, in addition to containing these chemical compounds, also has vitamin C, which strengthens the body’s defenses and helps prevent diseases. In the case of melon, its consumption is positive, since it contains vitamin A, hydrates the body from within and is very good for the kidneys.

Finally there are pineapple and lemon. Pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that helps purify and reduce inflammation in both the kidneys and liver. The second, Commonly used in a large number of recipes, it helps stimulate bile secretion, helping to metabolize fats and preventing inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. Lemon juice can be consumed on an empty stomach to eliminate toxins from the liver and kidneys.

other foods

Water is essential for the kidneys, so it is recommended to consume at least two liters of this liquid per day, AM reviews. Beetroot is rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene, which allow it to adequately stimulate the regenerative and purifying function of the liver, without neglecting its antioxidant and vitamin powers for the body. Flavonoids can also be found in some teas like green tea and black tea.

Broccoli, meanwhile, helps detoxify the body, this vegetable can be consumed in different presentations: raw, steamed, in juices or smoothies. In the latter, broccoli can be blended with spinach, cucumber or apple, helping to nourish and cleanse the body, without forgetting that it also contributes to weight loss.

Meanwhile, artichokes are “natural detoxifiers, rich in nutrients, help the body get rid of what it doesn’t need, they promote liver and kidney function due to their diuretic effect and help reduce “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood”highlights AM.

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