“There is a feeling of shame”

For 16 years, Björn Veraeghe managed his garden maintenance and landscaping business, but he unfortunately had to file for bankruptcy last May, because business was not working. This former member of the Open Vld then had to pay his debts and his property was seized.

A failing system

Since then Björn has been living on the streets and has been camping for three weeks in a tent along the canal near Emelgembrug. “I went to the social and housing services in Izegem for advice, but they told me that they could only help me at the beginning of September. I am also on the waiting list for social housing, but it could take longer, ”laments the man who has also been involved with the independent party ViZie.

He does not want to turn to his family and loved ones, because he does not want to disturb: “There is also a feeling of shame. Here, along the canal, I am alone and do no harm to anyone. If the municipality of Izegem cannot help me immediately, it is a sign that there are flaws in the system. I appreciate their help, but I feel like they are reaching their limits. »

A situation soon resolved?

Alderman Tom Verbeke explains if the situation of the former politician was blocked, a situation will fortunately be able to be found soon: “One of our 14 crisis houses has recently become free and he will soon be able to move in there. Given his current situation, he is now eligible. »

And when asked why he does not enroll in the night center for the homeless in Kortrijk or Roeselare, Björn replies: “I don’t want to use it to allow other people who may have to be more in need of a roof than I am. »

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