There is an envious campaign against me: IDB President – USA – International

The president of the Inter-American Bank (IDB), Mauricio Claver-Carone, said this Friday that against him there is a “political campaign, envious and anonymous” that seeks to discredit him and hinder the progress that the bank has made since he came to lead it.

That in relation to an anonymous complaint according to which Claver-Carone would be holding an improper relationship with one of his highest advisers and about embezzlement of bank funds in the context of that affair.

(News in context: President of the IDB could be investigated for improper relationship)

This week, the IDB Executive Board met to analyze the complaint and decide whether to open a formal investigation against him.

Claver-Carone took advantage of this Friday the presentation of the IDB macroeconomic report to refer to the subject.

He first started by making a kind of balance of his management, which at times he described as historic on several fronts. But then, towards the end, he referred to the rumors that have consumed the IDB in the last two weeks.

In his speech, Claver-Carone did not deny the relationship with the adviser or the existence of an investigation against him.

In fact, his relationship with the adviser has been a screaming secret at the IDB for months.

But he did say that bank staff were being denied due process by giving precedence to rumors in an anonymous email that were being used as a weapon to target him and derail progress.

He also said that the Bank, with this case, seemed to return to the “thirteenth century” where people were not allowed to defend themselves against an accusation.

He also complained that a process that was supposed to be private had been leaked to the press and said he was ready to present direct evidence if required.

“Believe me, I would love to present to all of you direct evidence that I have, not circumstantial, or hearsay, or anonymous. Direct evidence of the truth. But I will respect what should be a confidential process, according to Bank rules, and the potential for an alleged investigation, according to sources speaking to the press in violation of these rules,” the president said.

Believe me, I would love to present all of you with direct evidence that I have, not circumstantial, or hearsay, or anonymous.

According to IDB sources, the directors have reportedly decided to hire an outside firm to conduct an investigation and are discussing whether Claver-Carone should step down from the post while it progresses.

In his speech, the president spoke of the steps he has taken to reduce the IDB’s operating costs, which have saved the institution US$10 million. Among them eliminate drivers for top executives.

Curiously, one of the rumors that circulates is that he put a driver on the adviser with whom he had the relationship. Another is that he promoted her twice to positions with better pay.

The adviser, whose name this newspaper omits to mention, worked with Claver-Carone when he was part of the National Security Council during the years of Donald Trump’s presidency and migrated to the IDB in the summer of 2020 after his election to the presidency of the Bank.

The Claver-Carone candidacy generated great controversy in the region as it was seen as an imposition from the US, the main shareholder.

Until his election, all previous presidents had been Latin American.

Correspondent of THE TIME
En Twitter @ sergom68

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