These 12 foods lower blood sugar levels

That’s how important insulin levels are when losing weight

Not only how many calories we consume per day decides whether we gain or lose weight. WHAT we eat is also important.

If you take in more energy than you use, you naturally gain weight. Therefore, it is essential when losing weight to keep an eye on your calorie intake at least roughly. Who, however, with minimal effort effectively get rid of annoying belly fat should consider another factor: ours insulin levels plays a major role in weight loss.

High blood sugar makes you fat

After every meal, our insulin levels rise – the more sugar we have ingested, the higher it climbs. In order to lower the blood sugar level again, the body releases insulin again. This process is vital for our body.

Read here which mistakes at dinner can make you fat >>

If the insulin level is constantly at a high level – for example due to a high-sugar diet – it becomes problematic for our slim line. Because the insulin hinders the burning of fat. The fat cells are only burned when the blood sugar level drops again.

In the video: These foods make us look limp

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