They will monitor that pirated or non-prescription controlled medicine is not sold

Haremy Reyes/Quadratin Jalisco

ZAPOPAN, Jal., February 22, 2023.-After the case of the three youngsters intoxicated in a Tlaquepaque high school due to the Clonazepam challenge, the Coprisjal commissioner, Denis Santiago Hernández, explained that strict surveillance is maintained at the pharmacies where Controlled drugs are sold.

“What we do is that in all pharmacies that are licensed to sell this type of medication we ask them and we make verification visits to check the books of controlled that Coprisjal also authorizes them and we make balances to see that effectively Whatever they are acquiring and selling properly with a prescription, generally the children can raid the bureau or the medicine cabinet of their relatives when they have this type of medicine or buy it in places that are not suitable”.


The head of the Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks of Jalisco, Denis Santiago Hernández, warns that there is an increase in pirated medicines on the market, which has generated more alerts from Cofepris, for which she asked to be very attentive to the places where they are purchased .

“The complaints filed have been increasing, so much so that last year Cofepris published a black list of drug providers, so I always ask you to go to the website because I recommend that every time you go to buy a medicine, they see that their suppliers are not on these blacklists and these blacklists arise from the complaints that arrive”.

He gave the example of aspirin, which, although they have not located a shipment of pirated medicines in Jalisco, they must remain alert because they do exist in other parts of the country and it is not difficult for them to reach the state.



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