This meal.. has a magic effect on the heart and lowers cholesterol

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Research reports that eating a lot of this protein as a meal can have a significant impact on heart health and lower cholesterol.

Medical expert Lauren Manaker tells "It’s Zys" The best protein for health the heart he is "Beans".

Manaker stated: "This role is not limited to protein foods Vegetarians provide a great deal of protein, but they also provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can support heart health".

In a 2019 review published in the journal ., researchers found "Advances in Nutrition" Participants who ate the most legumes and pulses experienced a 10 percent reduction in coronary heart disease and an 8 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease.

Studies have also found that eating beans helps reduce the rate of cholesterol.

Manaker says: "Soluble fiber present in beans can completely prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol".

Analyzing 26 US and Canadian studies, researchers found that participants who ate approximately one serving (3/4 cup) of legumes per day experienced a decrease in LDL. (LDL)or cholesterol "harmful" by 5%.

The US Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults eat about three cups of legumes, including beans, per week, divided into about ½ cup of beans each day..


Research reports that eating a lot of this protein as a meal can have a significant impact on heart health and lower cholesterol.

Medical expert Lauren Manaker tells “It Zys” that the best protein for health the heart he is “Beans“.

Manaker stated: “The role of this . is not limited to protein foods Vegetarians provide a great deal of protein, but they also provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can support heart health.”

In a 2019 review published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, researchers found that participants who ate the most legumes and pulses experienced a 10 percent reduction in coronary heart disease and an 8 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease.

Studies have also found that eating beans helps reduce the rate of cholesterol.

“The soluble fiber found in beans can completely prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol,” Manaker says.

Analyzing 26 US and Canadian studies, researchers found that participants who ate approximately one serving (3/4 cup) of legumes per day experienced a decrease in LDL. (LDL)Or “bad” cholesterol by 5%.

The US Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults eat about three cups of legumes, including beans, per week, divided into about ½ cup of beans each day..

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