To avoid complications, beware of 6 symptoms that indicate a weak heart muscle

The problem of heart failure worldwide has become a major concern, as the weakening of the heart muscle causes insufficient blood supply to other organs resulting in heart failure, and advanced stages of this condition that develop over time can be fatal.

Learn about the most common symptoms of advanced heart failure, according to the Times of India.

shortness of breath

It is one of the most common symptoms of heart failure, which occurs when doing any physical activity or even while resting or sleeping, but it appears suddenly and the person then has difficulty lying down, and that happens when the blood begins to back up in the pulmonary veins, which are the vessels responsible for Returning blood from the lungs to the heart. This occurs when the heart is unable to keep up with blood flow and causes fluid to leak into the lungs.

persistent cough

Another symptom of advanced heart failure that results in white or pinkish mucus tinged with blood is fluid buildup in the lungs.

Fatigue and tiredness

Where the person faces great difficulty in performing daily tasks efficiently and feeling tired all the time without doing any physical activity, due to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the requirements of the body.

Swelling of the extremities such as the feet, ankles, legs or abdomen

Due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body, when blood pumping becomes slower than normal, it begins to return to the heart, causing fluid to accumulate in the tissues.

Nausea and lack of appetite

This symptom occurs when the digestive system receives less blood than it needs, resulting in indigestion.

Increased heart rate or palpitations

It occurs because the heart is not able to pump blood properly, it starts to beat faster to meet the demands of the body.

Therefore, it is recommended to monitor these symptoms in the early stages to look for medicines and treatments that are not harsh on other organs, because ignorance of these symptoms can lead to serious consequences in the future, apart from that, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle and diet to avoid diseases completely public.

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