Today… the moon is paired with Jupiter, “the giant of our solar system”, in a wonderful scene in the sky of Egypt

The conjunction of the waning humpback moon with Jupiter, the giant of our solar system, is observed in the sky of Egypt and the Arab world, on Sunday, most of the night, as they will be separated by about one degree in a beautiful view easily seen with the naked eye.

And the Jeddah Astronomical Society revealed in a report, that this conjunction will occur one day after full moon And its disk will be 96% illuminated, and it is the brightest spot in the night sky, and if the moon is near Jupiter, it means on the dome of the sky only. They are not close to each other in space. The moon is only about 377,000 kilometers away from us, while Jupiter is 596,895,504 kilometers away.

Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky, after the sun, moon and Venus, and it will appear as a bright white dot to the observer with the naked eye. Iowa – they appear as small points of light near Jupiter.

During the night hours, all these bodies apparently move towards the west as a result of the Earth’s rotation on its axis, but the real movement of the moon is towards the east in relation to the stars.

By observing the position of the moon at the same time every day, he notices that its movement is towards the east in relation to the stars and planets in the zodiac circle, so on the next day it will be noticed that the moon has moved away from Jupiter and rushes towards the east, which is its natural movement in orbit around the earth.

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