TSMC Launches Apple Chip Production on American Ground

2024-09-17 22:47:17
TSMC” style=”margin: auto;margin-bottom: 5px;max-width: 100%” />

According to information published by the journalist Tim Culpanthe first factory of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) nos USA started producing chips for the Apple — more precisely the SoC 1 A16 Bionicwhich was launched by Apple in 2022 as the processor for the iPhone 14 Pro.

According to Culpan’s sources, the chips are in the first phase of manufacturing at the facility, located in the US state of Arizona. Although small, the numbers already registered would be significant — and should be even higher when the second stage of the first phase is completed and production is underway.

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Manufactured on the same N4P process (which is between the 5nm and 4nm processes), the chips are said to be achieving lower yields than those recorded in Taiwan, but parity between the factory in TSMC’s home country and the one in the United States is expected to be achieved in the coming months.

For the reporter, it is surprising that the factory has already started work on the production of an advanced chip like the A16, since it would be safer for companies to start with less complex processors — like those in the H series, present in AirPods.

Another detail is that it is not yet possible to know which devices will be equipped with these chips. Considering the possible proximity of the new generation of the iPad mini, it may be that the SoCs are being prepared for the next iPhone SE.

via AppleInsider


1 System on a chipor system on a chip.

#TSMC #reportedly #started #producing #Apple #chips #United #States

– What are the implications of​ TSMC starting A16⁢ Bionic chip production in the US for the semiconductor industry?

BREAKING: TSMC’s US Factory Starts⁤ Producing A16 Bionic ‌Chips⁢ for Apple

In a​ significant⁤ development, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has commenced production of Apple’s⁤ A16 Bionic chips at its factory in the ‍United States. According to journalist Tim Culpan, the world’s largest independent ‍semiconductor foundry has begun manufacturing the advanced chip at its Arizona-based facility.

The A16‌ Bionic chip, which was introduced ⁣by ⁢Apple in 2022 as ‍the processor for the iPhone 14 Pro, is being produced using the N4P process, a cutting-edge technology that falls between the 5nm and 4nm processes. Although the yields‍ are currently lower than⁤ those recorded in Taiwan, TSMC expects to achieve parity⁤ between its US and Taiwanese factories in the coming months.

A Significant Milestone for TSMC’s US Expansion

The production of A16 Bionic chips marks a significant milestone for TSMC’s expansion into ‌the US market. The company’s Arizona factory, which is its first in the US, is expected​ to play a crucial role in reducing its dependence on Asian ‌supply ‌chains and meeting growing demand from US tech giants like Apple.

While it’s surprising that TSMC has chosen to ​start production with an ‍advanced chip like the A16 Bionic, industry experts believe that the move demonstrates‌ the company’s confidence in its ​US factory’s capabilities. Typically, companies​ start⁤ with less complex processors, like those ‌used in AirPods, before moving to more advanced chips.

What Does This Mean for Apple and the Tech Industry?

The production of A16 Bionic chips in the US is expected⁢ to have significant implications for Apple and the broader tech industry. Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Reduced Dependence on Asian Supply Chains: By manufacturing chips in the US, Apple and TSMC can reduce their dependence on Asian supply chains, which ​have been vulnerable to disruptions in recent years.
  2. Increased Capacity and Efficiency: The ​US factory will provide TSMC with additional capacity to meet growing demand from Apple and other clients, while also improving efficiency and reducing production costs.
  3. Enhanced Security and Reliability: Domestic production of chips can enhance security and reliability, as it reduces the risk ⁣of intellectual property theft and supply chain‌ disruptions.
  4. Boost to US ⁣Economy: The production of advanced semiconductors in the US will provide a significant boost to the country’s economy, creating jobs and driving innovation in‍ the tech sector.


The production of A16 Bionic chips at TSMC’s US factory marks a significant milestone in the company’s expansion into the US market. As the tech industry continues to evolve, the development is expected to have⁢ far-reaching implications for‍ Apple, ⁢TSMC, and the broader industry. With its cutting-edge technology and ⁤commitment to innovation, TSMC is poised to​ play a leading role in shaping the future of the semiconductor industry.

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How will TSMC’s production of A16 Bionic chips in the US impact the global semiconductor supply chain?

TSMC Begins Producing A16 Bionic Chips for Apple in the US: What Does it Mean for the Semiconductor Industry?

In a significant development, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has started producing A16 Bionic chips for Apple at its factory in the United States. This news was first reported by journalist Tim Culpan, citing sources close to the matter. The production of these advanced chips marks a crucial step forward for TSMC’s US-based operations and has significant implications for the semiconductor industry as a whole.

A Major Milestone for TSMC’s US Operations

The A16 Bionic chip, launched by Apple in 2022 as the processor for the iPhone 14 Pro, is a system on a chip (SoC) manufactured using TSMC’s N4P process. This process is between the 5nm and 4nm processes, making it a highly advanced technology. The fact that TSMC has begun producing these chips in the US is a testament to the company’s commitment to expanding its global footprint and reducing its dependence on Taiwan-based production.

Implications for the Semiconductor Industry

The production of A16 Bionic chips in the US has far-reaching implications for the semiconductor industry. Firstly, it signals a shift towards more localized production, reducing the reliance on international supply chains. This move could also lead to increased competition among chip manufacturers, driving innovation and cost reductions.

Furthermore, the production of advanced chips like the A16 Bionic in the US could lead to the development of more complex and sophisticated chips in the future. This, in turn, could drive growth in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Challenges Ahead

While this development is a significant milestone, it’s not without its challenges. The yields of the chips produced in the US are currently lower than those recorded in Taiwan, but TSMC is working to achieve parity between the two factories in the coming months.

Additionally, the production of advanced chips like the A16 Bionic requires highly specialized equipment and expertise. TSMC will need to ensure that its US-based factory has the necessary resources and talent to maintain the high standards of quality and production volume required by Apple.

What’s Next?

The production of A16 Bionic chips in the US raises several questions about the future of chip production. Will this move lead to more US-based production of Apple’s processors, or will TSMC continue to produce chips for other clients in the US? Will other chip manufacturers follow TSMC’s lead and establish their own US-based factories?

As the semiconductor industry continues to evolve, one thing is clear: the production of advanced chips like the A16 Bionic in the US is a significant step forward, with far-reaching implications for the industry and the global economy.

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