Two million free condoms distributed in pharmacies in January!

This winter, young people go out covered! Twice as many condoms were distributed in pharmacies in January 2023 compared to the same period last year. In all, 2 million of these contraceptive devices have been sold for free, according to Europe 1.

A direct effect of new free condoms for people under the age of 26. Triggered on January 1, this measure was described as a “small revolution” by the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron.


Here’s how to benefit from free condoms in pharmacies

Before the reform, it was necessary to obtain a medical prescription to have access to free condoms in pharmacies. A nonsense with regard to the price of a medical consultation compared to that of a box of condoms.

Three times more beneficiaries compared to last year

The device offers two brands to young people wishing to benefit from it: Eden, a box of 24 condoms and Sortez Couverts, which contains half as many.

In all, 90,000 young people have benefited from it since the launch of the operation, according to the Ministry of Health. This is three times more than in 2023. Another victory: the number of participating pharmacies, which rose to 16,000 in January, compared to 12,000 at the same time last year.

At a time when the sexually transmitted infections (STI) are on the rise in our territory, and in particular among young people under 25, this good news gives hope to the Government, whose objective for 2030 is set at zero STIs


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