Unicameral system: PJ has a positive attitude towards how “Unite for Change” votes will be divided

2024-08-13 03:05:48

this Friction between the ruling party and the opposition became a constant in every session unicameral system. In the eight months since the new legislation was formed, clashes of power have been commonplace.

In that framework, PJ played hard. Its goal is to lay the foundation of support for the Together for Change (JxC) blockchain unity. As a heterogeneous space of origin, it has its differences internally, but “this does not mean rupture”, says the voice of Cambiomista.

Anyway, Among the ruling parties, they are positive about the split of JxC in different votes. Magnifying glass is on interior of radical bench Between moderates in the interior and hawks in the capital. Premier Graciela Bisotto closing the door is a sign of the bid. “They have it inside,” said one Peronist.

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Among radical hawks, there is another interpretation that the legislators left La Carlota, who formed a unit. White berets reinforce complaints that Córdobanism “buys will” Larry Riosta breaks parity. It is worth remembering the precedent of captain Karina Bruno interacting as an ally of PJ.

In a clash of evenly matched forces, the ruling party has detailed the divisions that emerged in key votes for a heterogeneous opposition coalition. Below, the PJs celebrate seeing Juntos leave. “This is part of the internal protocol dynamic,” one aggressive sword retorted.

The last example button is Activities of Narangita people banned Or promote “liberal” car care Gregorio Hernandez Makeda at the last session. They rubbed their hands in their pajama pants when they saw that among the former Cagliosta’s fellow hawks, Juecismo was not accompanying him. PRO and Alfonsinistas split, UCR both support Makeda.

Within the framework of a marathon and exhausting plenary session lasting more than 10 hours, the opposition project sparked heated debate in the Legislative Chamber and harsh accusations of “liberal” attacks on Peronism. Faced with the PPP’s rejection, Makeda accused Laliola’s government of “making a deal with the mafia” and being “politically responsible for living by the law of the jungle.”

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The sword of the ruling party was equally harsh in his answers. “I imagine this charge will also be brought before the judiciary who will dismiss it,” the voice from PJ said in his caustic comments. Nadia Fernández criticized Makeda when she listed him as a follower of the “Austrian School”: “Beware of political cruelty.”

By placing a magnifying glass on the ballot, PJ celebrates Juntos split. In a sign of unity, despite internal divisions, the judges at UC Riverside supported the “liberal” initiative, while the jurisprudence rejected it (with the exception of Juan Pablo Perrone). In the PRO, there were two votes against and one vote in favor (Patricia Botha). Of the two Alphonsinians, one did not accompany him (Dante Rossi) and the other abstained. Bisoto was absent from the vote, which took place around 2 a.m. last Thursday.

#Unicameral #system #positive #attitude #Unite #Change #votes #divided



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