Unions denounce government’s “nonsense” at the start of the school year – Le Devoir

As the school year approaches, unions are denouncing the government’s “nonsense,” accusing it of cutting more than $400 million from the budget set aside for maintaining buildings.

“This is just piling on problems that are already glaring. Cutting money at this point is nonsense,” said Youri Blanchet, president of the Fédération de l’enseignement collégial, on Wednesday. “It is unacceptable to reduce investments by a penny,” added Éric Gingras, president of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec.

According to a report by the Auditor General tabled last May, 65% of the college network’s institutions are in poor condition. Last year, the Cégep de Saint-Laurent had to “close an entire wing” of the institution due to a “problem with the structure,” gives as an example Frédéric Brun, president of the Fédération des employées et employées de services publics.

Despite this “alarming” observation, according to Mr. Blanchet, Quebec announced this summer a reduction of $409.2 million in the overall envelope intended for the maintenance of buildings in 2024-2025 compared to the amount granted for this purpose last year.

More details to follow…

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