Urgent Alert: IHU and Marseille Hospitals Raise Concerns Over Professor Raoul


Research​ Update from <a data-mil="6220177" href="https://www.archyde.com/the-selection-we-have-been-operating-for-several-days/" title=""The selection, we have been operating for several days"">Professor Raoult</a>​ on Hydroxychloroquine

Research Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Covid-19

September 5, 2024

Professor Raoult’s continued research on hydroxychloroquine.

The ​renowned microbiologist and former director of the Mediterranean Institute of Infectious Diseases University Hospital (IHU) has faced recent challenges in his career. Despite being forced into retirement, he continues to ‍publish findings on ⁤the​ effectiveness​ of‍ hydroxychloroquine​ (HCQ) in treating ⁤Covid-19. His latest research, co-authored with Professor Philippe Brouqui, was recently published ⁢in Acta⁢ Scientific Microbiology.

However, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Healthcare Products (ANSM) has issued a statement distancing itself from this new publication, emphasizing their concerns about the findings presented.

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