US plans to screen adults for anxiety

A committee of American researchers is proposing to systematically screen all adults under 65 for signs of anxiety, a growing scourge since the start of the pandemic.

In the United States, a group of researchers attached to the Ministry of Health recommended on Tuesday, September 20, that all American adults under the age of 65 benefit from “screening for anxiety disorders”, reports the “ New York Times “. Why such consideration for mental health, which has not always been a priority for governments? Across the Atlantic, as elsewhere in the world, the Covid pandemic has had a major impact on mental health. According to the American newspaper, signs of depression and anxiety have increased 25% in the first year of the health crisis. Combined with difficult access to care, psychological and mental disorders are often overlooked. To prove this “urgency”, referred to by Dr. Pbert, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts, some telling figures: the percentage of symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders in adults went from 36.4% to 41.5%. In the second quarter of 2020, the anxiety rate in the country fell from 8.1% to 25.5%.

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Avoid symptom neglect

After having made “a similar recommendation a few months ago for children and adolescents from 8 years old”, recalls “ Usbek & Rica », the group of researchers, called « US..

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